_Ghost in Marble_

_Ghost in Marble_


112 comments posted · 8 followers · following 14

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 1 reply · +7 points

Spoilers until the end of Season Four:

V srry yvxr Ehol pnzr gb trahvaryl pner sbe Fnz, naq sryg fbzr qrterr bs yblnygl gb uvz, fb gung zvtug cynl vagb jung lbh'er frrvat urer. Fur jnf bs pbhefr znavchyngvat uvz, naq ure uvturfg yblnygl jnf gb Yhpvsre, ohg V fnj rzbgvba ba ure cneg qhevat gurve frk fprar va F4'f "V Xabj Jung Lbh Qvq Ynfg Fhzzre", naq jura fur rkcynvaf urefrys va gur F4 svanyr, fur fcrnxf qverpgyl gb Fnz, naq hfrf cuenfvat gung vaqvpngrf gung fur vf vapyhqvat uvz va ure pryroengvba. Fur qbrfa'g rkcrpg uvz gb frr guvatf ure jnl vzzrqvngryl, ohg fur gevrf gb pbaivapr uvz, vs abg va fb znal jbeqf. Vafgrnq, fur gnyxf nobhg ure yblnygl, n genvg Fnz inyhrf, naq juvyr ure fcrrpu qbrf uvtuyvtug ure frysvfuarff, fur'f nyfb pyrneyl cebhq bs Fnz. V guvax fur sryg n obaq jvgu uvz, naq gung'f jul Fnz jnf noyr gb birecbjre ure fb dhvpxyl naq rnfvyl nsgre ure pbasrffvba -- fur jnfa'g rkcrpgvat uvz gb ghea ba ure, rira vs ur qvqa'g nterr jvgu ure, orpnhfr fur gubhtug gurl zrnag fbzrguvat gb rnpu bgure, cbffvoyl fbzrguvat gung jbhyq rira birecbjre Fnz'f obaq jvgu Qrna.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 1 reply · +7 points

I think Carmen is a nurse also because Dean is usually the one taking care of everybody. John's admitted that he placed too much responsibility on Dean's shoulders, and we all know that Dean is incredibly protective of Sam. Va snpg, jura Fnz qvrf, Qrna qbrfa'g xabj jung gb qb jvgu uvzfrys -- jr frr guvf obgu ng gur raq bs guvf frnfba naq gur ortvaavat bs frnfba fvk.

Carmen being a nurse is supposed to take the burden of caretaking off Dean's shoulders and help him relax into the fantasy. Jr ner tvira uvagf guebhtubhg gur fubj gung Qrna jvfurf ur pbhyq yvir uvf bja yvsr, zbfg erpragyl, V oryvrir, va gur frnfba avar rcvfbqr nobhg Qrna va gur oblf' ubzr, ohg ur nyjnlf ergheaf gb gnxr pner bs Fnz. Sam's needs have always come before Dean's; this is a way of putting Dean first.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 1 reply · +16 points

I'm always thrown off when I see actors from Supernatural on other TV shows -- I never recognize them because they always look so much taller on other shows. I once spent an entire episode of Criminal Minds utterly confused because Jim Beaver was like the tallest person in the episode. Then came the day that I realized the Supernatural just hoards all the tall actors. I would never have recognized Jeff Kober as Kralik from Buffy because he looked so huge next to Sarah Michelle Gellar, but he looks average-sized here.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 2 replies · +14 points

Bobby's face when Meg!Sam reacts to the holy water in the beer is the definition of BEST.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 2 replies · +6 points

Plus fly screens can come off. We always take ours down in the winter when the windows aren't usually open and no flies are about.

11 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'First Test... · 1 reply · +4 points

"Enbhy qvqa'g xabj Nynaan jnf n tvey hagvy (cerfhznoyl) gur svtug jvgu Ebtre jura NYY JNF ERIRNYRQ. V'ir nyjnlf jbaqrerq ubj ur sryg ng gung zbzrag. Wba naq Trbetr naq Tnel xarj naq gurl jrer nyy fb pybfr naq ur jnf onfvpnyyl yrsg bhg bs guvf UHTR FRPERG. Ubj qvq ur srry jura vg nyy pnzr bhg?"

V pbhyq unir fjbea V erzrzorerq n fprar jurer Enbhy rkcerffrf gb Nynaan gung ur jnf uheg fur qvqa'g gehfg uvz, ohg vg qvqa'g fubj hc jura V er-ernq gubfr obbxf, fb pyrneyl V jnf vzntvavat guvf. Ubjrire, V gubhtug guvf sbe fb ybat gung vg jvyy cebonoyl or zl urnqpnaba abj.

11 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Realms... · 0 replies · +2 points

Feel free to use rot13! I can see perhaps for Bleak House, and though the lit student in me cannot comprehend someone making through life without being spoiled for Jane Eyre, I'll follow your lead.

"Jvgu obgu Wnar naq Qnvar V srry gurl'er ragrevat eryngvbafuvcf jurer rirelguvat gung znqr gurz fb ratntvat vf tbvat gb or dhnfurq ol gur vasyhrapr bs guvf byqre cnegare."

V svaq vg raqyrffyl vagevthvat gung lbh frr Qnvar/Ahznve guvf jnl, orpnhfr sbe zr vg vf gur bccbfvgr -- V guvax gurl oevat bhg gur orfg va rnpu bgure, tvira gung zbfg bs jung jr frr bs gurve eryngvbafuvc bire gur lrnef vf gbyq sebz na bhgfvqre'f crefcrpgvir. V qb frr jurer lbh'er pbzvat sebz jvgu Wnar, orpnhfr Ebpurfgre unq gb or znvzrq orsber ur jnf jbegul bs Wnar, juvpu nyfb rssrpgviryl urycrq yriry bhg gur cbjre vzonynapr.

"Vg'f vagrerfgvat gung fb sne va Gbegnyy eryngvbafuvcf unir graqrq gb or bs gur dhvgr genqvgvbany snagnfl inevrgl jurer trarenyyl crbcyr trg gbtrgure jvgu gurve yvsr-cnegare lbhat naq fgnl unccvyl jvgu gurz sbe yvsr. Vf gurer fhpu n guvat nf qvibepr va Gbegnyy, be ng yrnfg ubabhenoyr frcnengvba? V qba'g erpnyy vs vg'f zragvbarq."

V qba'g erzrzore vs qvibepr be frcnengvba jnf zragvbarq va gur obbxf, ohg vg'f orra lrnef fvapr V ernq gurz, gb or ubarfg. V'z ubcvat gb trg onpx gb gurz guvf fhzzre abj gung Znex unf erxvaqyrq zl vagrerfg. Gur pybfrfg rknzcyr V pna erpnyy vf

*spoilers for Tammy's comments about things not mentioned in the books*

jura Gunlrg zbirf gb n qvssrerag jvat bs gur cnynpr sbe n lrne nsgre Wbanguna gnyxf Xnynfva bhg bs tbvat sbe ure xavtugubbq.

11 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Realms... · 6 replies · +2 points

Your point about Bleak House is interesting, despite the fact (or maybe especially since) I do ship Daine/Numair (I can see your and everyone else's points against it, though, even if I don't agree). And maybe I'm contradicting myself here (I contain multiples!) but the parallel I thought of after reading the complaints against Daine/Numair is Jane Eyre, which I find much more disturbing than the engagement in Bleak House, but yet is supposed to be highly romantic. The arguments against Daine/Numair are really similar to my arguments against Jane/Rochester, though I like Daine/Numair and I don't like Jane/Rochester. I think the couple in Bleak House actually had a much healthier relationship than the one in Jane and Rochester did. I wouldn't actually mind a comparison to the Bleak House couple, though I think Daine/Numair is much more romantic, and in a good way!

(Hope that made sense. It's late, and I'm supposed to be working on a research paper. My brain is just about mush.)

11 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Realms... · 1 reply · +6 points

"V nyfb qba’g qbhog Oebnq Sbbg’f gurbel gung Ahznve ybirf ure. Bs pbhefr ur qbrf! Gurl’er orfg sevraqf jub’ir orra guebhtu pbhagyrff beqrnyf jvgu bar nabgure."


12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Affair... · 0 replies · +1 points

The second one is a series of fics about what the war against Voldemort would have been if Sirius Black really had been the Potters' Secret Keeper. The main trilogy is complete, though the prequel has been nearly two years without an update, though if WIPs bother you I'd still recommend the main trilogy, since the prequel contains spoilers anyway. The first story was started before Order of the Phoenix came out, though most of the canon from that book has been worked into the story. The same is not true for Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows, since the author was too far into her own continuity at that point. However, they are still good stories; the first one, Promises Unbroken, can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7305052/1/ The second one is called Promises Remembered and the third Promises Unbroken. The prequel is Promises Honored. Also, if you like this series and look around, other others have written stories within this universe as well, some with the author's permission, some likely without. I also recommend this author's stories Grim Dawn, in which Sirius saves Harry from Death Eaters after he blows up Aunt Marge and they go on the run together <a href="http://(http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1566300/1/Grim-Dawn)," target="_blank"> <a href="http://(http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1566300/1/Grim-Dawn)," target="_blank">(http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1566300/1/Grim-Dawn), and Death Before Dishonour, in which Sirius receives his pardon in Harry's fifth year and includes the most hilarious scene ever of McGonagall finding out that Sirius is an Animagus <a href="http://(http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1167770/1/Death-Before-Dishonor)" target="_blank"> <a href="http://(http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1167770/1/Death-Before-Dishonor)" target="_blank">(http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1167770/1/Death-Before-Dishonor).