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10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 3 replies · +28 points

Coming out of lurkdom (hi everyone!) to express my rage at this finale.

So I'm supposed to believe that Robin was pining over Ted for 15 years? As someone on tumblr said, the title should have been, "How I Had Two Failed Relationships With Your Aunt and Finally Wore Her Down So She’d Un-Friendzone Me."

And way to saddle Lily as a wife and a mother when she was already feeling overwhelmed with just the one kid, but it's okay because Marshall achieved his dream!

Oh! And Barney goes from being a womanizer to being a slutshamer and this is supposed to be an improvement?

What's the opposite of Legendary?

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +10 points

I loved it.

I was so glad to see my Ten again. Tennant and Smith have wonderful comic timing together. I need more. I wish this had been a whole series.

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +6 points

Thank you! <3 I've missed you all too!

10 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 16 replies · +13 points

Extended Doctor Who 50th anniversary trailer.

I am ridiculously excited.

Also, hi! I haven't been here in quite some time. I hope everyone is doing well.

11 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 1 reply · +13 points

YES! I'm such a pessimist because I honestly thought it would go the other way. Thank you, SCOTUS!

11 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +8 points

Fuck them. Robbwind was disturbing. I saw a spoiler pic before the show aired and it was worse so I'm glad they showed him the way they did, in motion and no closeups. I was thinking they would show Cat floating down the river or the Blackfish swimming away, because he totally did swim all the way back to Riverrun.

11 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 2 replies · +7 points

Have you read "The North Remembers" by Silverblood? It's a WIP but it's by far the best ASoIaF fanfic I have read. It's super long though.

11 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 2 replies · +6 points

Serl Cvr vf pbzvat. For once I am glad that the showrunners love disgusting things.

11 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +6 points

Works for me.

11 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +6 points

Yes, I can see exactly that happening.