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14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

Mg,,I cannot even spend a penny,,,China is charging to much intrest on our national debit,,,the doolar will be worth less than a simple penny soon the way our Congress and adminstration is spending phoney money,,,hyper inflation ,,,some 3rd world countries count that as a week wages,,,heck,,,ACORN would get it anyway,,regardless of how many coreuppt and imporper activites they allready slid in,,,that vid shows ALOT of those cases were helped into reality ,,yet no one is checking into the real ones that ACORN dis advise and help,,,but that looking at the morals of VCongress and so many cheating on TAXS,WIVES,HUSBANDS,expence accounts,,work hours,resort trips,,conferences that give back massages,,,etc,,,,I just rather give that one penny to a real American and add a few buck to the reality of CONGRESS,OBAMA lies,,,betrayal,shame he has no eithical or moral values,,,NOTICE how hard he tries NOT to use the word GOD,,,Rev Wrigth sure made a groupie out of Obama,,,jusr think of the Lobbiesy who would offer Obama a Job once he is thrown out of Office,,,,with his skill sets,,,the drug cartels in Mex border,,,after all look what he has dione for Homeland security,,,for God sakes at this rate tour agency look like they even are going to offer some Obama supporteds Paki trip camp outs,,or Afgan squirl hunting ,if our dirst bags can fly ou=t and return ,,how many are already in,,oh thats right ILLEGAL ALIENS,,but than Obama and Holder do not want anyone asked are they here legaly,,,,,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

Dunn does,,look at her lips when she speaks,,,like a real lizard,,think about it if you were going to kiss someone doing that,,,,almost like a sci fi critter,,,I sure wish I could edit vid,,,it would make and intreasting Redneck lot lizard spotted in White House,,Home land security called in ,but Holder was told NOT to look for it,,,Pelois hid it ,,Reid,offfered it a stimulas,,,franks a bail out,,,Obam a Crarship to advise him on others who may show up,,,Waxman had to look up at it,,Rangle tried to rent it to a movie company cash only,no checks,,,etc,,,,look at that Vid,,think about it,,,thats the White House Comm director,,,I guess she leaving that position to the one at the Gallopos islands,,lol,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

C,,,They have to fund raise,,the loser has so many speaches,,so many lies,,so many public relations companies to spin his last lie ,,,to cahne words like TAX to fees,,,yet the more he talks,sends his lackies,,yep honored to be on his Emeny list,,,as I am very proud I would never want to live,act,lie as he does,,,nope HARD work is what we have,,,look at how many join and supoport more every hour,,,while Obama the HIDDER looks over FENCE at the rest of us still with our INTEGERTY,HONNOR and FAITH,Belief in America ,,,Americans over come ANYTHING,,Obama just has not discovered our founding fathers put things into our Goverment to expose the scum like Obama and our corrupt congress,,we just see and hear it better now,,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

The only ones who would go to that is Chevez,,or Pelois,,,or castro,,,or Reid,,or ADEJAUNKIE,,or Mc Cain to make sure no lady got a better job,,,or Nelson,,,thats right ,,he is entertaing,,,,Jefferson,,,hey he could not make it from the Federal bed and breakfeast,,,Kadafi,could not get Sanford away from his soul mate,,,Franks,,Waxman, Rangle( count the silverware as him and Dodd ,Gietner ,ACORNhave accounting and pawn issues,,,Gore would faint if he llit the candles as ROOM WARMING,,oh thats right in truth its just a season changing,,,as for the real garbage,,they would be the ones who do not read bills,,nor even clean up after themselvs,,or wipe the mouth at a closed door bill Blending,,,,,,nope I sure am glad I eat a NICE freshly Killed animal cooked on a grill,,,oh,,,Peta will require a stimuals package ,,,but than Congress is still thinking about $3500 tax credit for dog owners,,hey Viet nam can export dogs to the usa,,,Nope sure glad I do not live down wind from that dinner,,,besides just looking at who attened would make be feel like the swine flu got me,,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 2 replies · +3 points

FOX news is taking it all wrong,,they should be very ,very proud,,when the President of the USA can lie,hide,conceal,coverup,etcc,,,,,and is SCARED to even meet on national TV and answer simple direct questions knowing we have the real truth on vid,,,,the coaward sends his LACKIES like Rham,,Axlerod,,and that WH Comm Director,,,did you see her vid,,,every time she talks she lips her lips,almost after each sentace,with her tounge,,,PETA should get her a face mask,,,as she looks like shes hunting flys,,, like a LIZARD,,,a sure sign of a LIAR,,,Yes,,Obama can sure pick some real losers,,,In all my years I have yet to see a politican as low life and dishororable and cowardly,,the more Obama runs his mouth the MORE he CRIES,,,what a wimp,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

Notice the <a href="http://www.splencenter.org/intel/intelreport/arti..." target="_blank">http://www.splencenter.org/intel/intelreport/arti... did NOT list Obama and the Denm national headquaters,,nor the location of Pelosi,Reid,Waxman,Dingle,Rangle,Conyers,Dodd,Mc cain,Grayson,Romoney,,,ectheck just pput one big falg at the Capital building in Dc,,now that would be more accurate as locations of HATE GROUPS,,,I gues they could not decide what flag to use,Hey even homeland security with the statement that Flak of an Asst Director,,Homeland Security,,,,notice as an APPOINTEE he had his little badge on ( almost the suze of his head,,) yet HE has NO arrest nor law enforcement,(bet he would fault even if he had to look at a real crook,,),,heck he was RUNNING down Joe Arpaio the REAL man,REAL Sheriff in Az,,,,Joe your the REAL Law Enforcement and would make 10000 times better an Attorney General than that political toadie we are stuck with,,,instead of aarrests ,,he asks Obama yes or no ,,just like ACORN,,,no wonder the FBI is discusted,just like the CIA,,,heck most Americans say now they would never have voted for Obama if the had only known,seems like FRINGE media should be a hate group,,,but than,,,what else can anyone expect with flakes like Axlerod,or waxman,or our beloved Pelosi,,,,lol,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 8 replies · +7 points

Dem are asking for people to PAY big bucks to DINE with Pelosi,Obama,,,you have to be kidding me,,I got an email from the DNC (yep the fools put me on thier mailing list),just like the checks to dead people,or convicts,,,I would not be supprised Al Queada got one either,,,but they say they have to have the dinner tonight,,,oh well other Americans are going hungry and all they want is any food at the same time,,the pigs at the feed trough, politications wine and dine just to try and save thier elected position,,,me I would barf to be anywhere near them,,,I raise my children not to be near those like that,,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · +2 points

Dc,,Our troops are counting on us all,,,if Obama is as he admits has NO real plan and its been 9 months,,,than our American people in harms way must be brought home,,,NOT one American life is woth it for the many hundreds of politicans who would be wasting them,,,just so they can remain in office,,,FAILURE for the President,Congress NOT to have a plan ,Goal,Mission,and causing death,dismemberment would be a criminal act,,,like the responcibility in driving an auto,,,if your NEGLEGENT and know you were and ar eand did something that caused harm ,death to another that could have been avoided is a CRIME,,,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · +2 points

Obama,,Congress,,,just like FOX and glen Beck,,,,,this site is asking for you all to provide WE THE PEOPLE details,Spefic facts to show they we are WRONG in ANY PART of we peap or write about. It seem sthat Obama,and his White House staff have th eability to asner us here,,,PROVIDE us an dthe NATION and the WORLD were or if we are WRONG,,post documents,vids,tapes on the internet. Show us items like the charges against any memebr of congress,,eithical or other wise,,Let the nATION see those detailed plans,,,we all know your RECOVERY.COM web ite is a lousey joke and insult as your math does NOT add up or say exacly who and where got what. HOW about UPDATES on if fomal investigations are being conducted like with ACORN,,or how many investigations of politicans who misused taxpayer funds for person reasons,,,yes we certianly would like to have those back door deals,deals made also with private compines like GE ,the non bid contract,,,and how many other than Pelosi had bought stock in green companies months before the company went GREEN,,,or explain how Gore was ruled by the british courts as NOT providing a honest and creditable CLIMATE film,,you know the one,,where that court required a written statement as to the lack of creditablity BEFORE ONE CAN VIEW it,,,WE THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW,,we the people have every right as a tax payer and your our employees to any and all information,,,,if you cannot allow WE the people to view and see what our representatives are HIDDING FROM US,,,I consider it illegal and NULL and VOID,,a breach of law,,and the US Consitution as in order to represent us they have to inform us PRIOR to get our authorization,,,NO authorization by us the people NO lgeal represntation,,,just like ATTORNYES your required by law to show us what and how we are authroizing you to act in our names,,,or you lose your licence,possible criminal actions,,,AT no time has or ever will the Consitution or the American people authorized an open check book NOR unlimited pwoer or unlimited authority to ANY ELECTED offical,,,,,How about it President,,,CONGRESS,,,Refusal is your and Congress ADMITATION we are ALL right,,,unless you show us different,,,and NO authorizations by the majority of the people,,,NO BLANK AUTHORIZATION for anything,,,,

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 1 reply · +2 points

M,,,I feel offended,,,they blocked that ppage,,,but I did notice they some how show all the so called hate grougs living close to each other,,,,yet I live in Michigan and it seem sup north there are none,,,yet down south they all seem to be living well with each other ,,,so what is thier beef,,,I had to chuckle,,,they alos missed alot that people in Michigan know about,,yet they do nothing wrong but voice thier issues against the Goverment,,,so thier "intellegence is not that great to start with and it got worse,,,lol,lol,,,heck most people in Michigan would tell you our worst hate group is also our politicans,,in Lansing and DC,,,we got Dingle,,hes the one from the HUGETAX vid,,,as well as his so called town hall HIDEOUT/COPOUT,,,than we had Conyers,,who wife will go to prison for accepting bribes,,money for years that Conyers never wondered where the extrax income came from form his politican wife,,,I guess thats a problem with politicans as alot of money seems to show up that they do not rememeber or recall where it came from or like Levin,,,and Stanbow,,they like Sunstien,,,but than ourGov,,,not eeven an American born,,,but than right now wanting to raise our taxs again in support of Obama,,,after all she RAN to his feet to get her scumy paws on FREE $$$ for the dead beats,,,,sure we all just get along fine in Michigan,,they pass things we are starting to just pretend they are playing store as they have NO creditablity,,,yep the only terrorists we have in Michigan are some of tstate and federal politicans,,,now thats a HATE group,,just like Obama and his adminstration and his Rev Wright,,,Van Jone,,Sunstien,Holder,,etc,,,they hate anything normal and honest,commen sence Americans like,,,and they are a terror to our economy and future:) But look at it this way the rest of us get alone fine without them,,,,or thier political corect crap,and scams of bills