


1,217 comments posted · 16 followers · following 14

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Actor Steven Weber Pro... · 0 replies · +6 points

Progressives, and all other leftists, are demagogues by nature and their arguments are all emotional. No facts, just emotion. Having a factual argument with a leftist is a waste of time because they don't speak the language.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Actor Steven Weber Pro... · 0 replies · +3 points

The evidence says you are wrong.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Hollywood's Undying Lo... · 2 replies · +14 points

Can the North Koreans hit LA? Just wondering...

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Egyptian Christian Die... · 1 reply · +9 points

Islam is a Satanic cult. Islamist extremists are merely the shock troops pushing the Sharia on the rest of the world. If "good and peaceful" Muslims (are there any?) really were against the carnage, they would speak out. They do not, so draw your conclusions.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Gun Violence is Not a ... · 2 replies · +5 points

Most violent criminals are black.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama Power Grabs on t... · 0 replies · +4 points

El Presidente can sign all the executive orders he wants. I will not comply and I recommend everyone follow suit. An unconstitutional Executive Order is not law.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama Power Grabs on t... · 1 reply · +2 points

Also blame the Paulbots and "Romney's not really a conservative" voters who either stayed home on election day or voted third party. They deserve the worst of the pain coming.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Israel’s Gaza Dilemmas · 0 replies · +3 points

Perhaps the Islamist scum in Gaza should start importing food instead of munitions? Their supply lines seem to function just fine.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Dr. Marc Lamont Hill a... · 0 replies · +1 points

Marc Lamont Hill is at the toop of my list od Highly Overrated Black People. He is an intellect that only Bill O'Reilly can appreciate.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Bachmann-Clinton Showd... · 3 replies · +39 points

NEVER underestimate the corruption of an administration that will do anything to remain in power.