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9 years ago @ Birther Report - CBS: Letterman\'s Last... · 0 replies · +4 points

I don't much care for being mocked by that lecherous libtard.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - About-Face: WND Omits ... · 0 replies · +10 points

Thank you for your quick response.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - About-Face: WND Omits ... · 0 replies · +16 points

"Section One, Article Two of the Constitution states 'no person except a natural born citizen, or citizen of the United States … shall be eligible to the office of president.' "

That's some creative use of the ellipsis, there.

I bet that, if I looked hard and long enough, reading through enough of her writings, and with some of that same creative usage of the ellipsis that Chumley used there, I could quote her as saying, "I am a...big fat idiot."

Note: For those not familiar with the word, the ellipsis is those three little dots that note an omission.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - About-Face: WND Omits ... · 3 replies · +11 points

"One day I'll spill the smelly beans about WND's true intentions related to the Obama ineligibility issue..."

Whose words are these? BR's or Kerchner's? Just wondering.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - NewsBusters Busted: Mo... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you, Bob68. You get what I'm wondering about.

So far, Cruz has done nothing that I'm aware of except talk. When he was talking his way into the Senate, I was hoping for his win because of the things he said and the things he promised. As you pointed out, however, nothing good has come of the 2014 elections.

Now, two years into it, he's talking his way into the presidency. Does it remind you of someone else?

9 years ago @ Birther Report - NewsBusters Busted: Mo... · 9 replies · +18 points

I have a question and it's a serious one. In two years in the Senate, has Ted Cruz actually done anything besides say the things that conservatives like to hear? Has he helped overturn any leftist, unconstitutional legislation? Has he helped quash any liberal bills before they could become law? Honestly, all jokes, insults and talk of his ineligibility aside, has he actually done anything besides talk a good talk in the last two years?

I ask this because he's ineligible. He knows he's ineligible. His parents were slow to reside in the US, choosing Canada, instead, for - what? - 14 years, I believe. His father was Cuban and slow to give up his Cuban citizenship for US citizenship. So, I'm trying to figure out if Cruz is the GOP's Obama, selected to finish what Kenya Boy has started, or just another man so thirsty for power that he's willing to break the very laws that he claims to want to protect in order to attain that power.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Must See TV: Retired T... · 6 replies · +48 points

While the teacher was ranting, Santorum got that smug little smirk on his face that makes me want to pop him in the mouth.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Obama Cracks: If I Did... · 0 replies · +18 points

I'm getting really tired of being mocked by that jackass. It's infuriating.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Obama Talking Points D... · 0 replies · +9 points

The Social Security Administration sees dead people.

A report from the Office of the Inspector General found that there are 6.5 million active Social Security numbers on file which belong to people aged 112 and up. Meanwhile, there are only 35 people older than 112 in the world.

The Office of Inspector General believes that this could be a huge avenue for fraud and waste. For example, from 2008-2011, Social Security numbers for nearly 4,000 people over the age of 100 were run through the E-Verify system, which determines work eligibility. Recently, a man opened bank accounts for two people born in the late 1800s.

The inspector general says this is the result of the Social Security Administration poorly managing the data. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, had a different take on the report.

“Tens of thousands of these numbers are currently being used to report wages to the Social Security Administration and to the IRS. People are fraudulently, but successfully, applying for jobs and benefits with these numbers,” Johnson said.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Listen Live: The Betra... · 1 reply · +9 points

Ann Barnhardt really ticks me off, not because she's Catholic and I don't believe as Catholics believe. No. She ticks me off because, aside from her Catholic beliefs, she's right about everything else. She speaks the plain, ugly truth and it is infuriating.