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1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Book Pub, January 2025... · 0 replies · +4 points

Let me consult my reading spreadsheet for 2024!

Well, first, to flash forward to 2025, I'm currently reading The Elements of Marie Curie by Dava Sobel. I'm not finished, but so far recommended. Returning to 2024, but staying with underappreciated 20th century women scientists, Einstein's Tutor by Lee Phillips that I did finish is also highly recommended.

The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera might very well be my favorite fiction of 2024. It's really hard to describe: it's weird, trippy, pansexual sci-fi/fantasy/postcolonial lit/family drama.

Guys, this Remains of the Day book that's a modern classic by a Nobel-winning writer? It's pretty good.

Perhaps my favorite book of the year full-stop, though I can't be impartial due to its being precisely targeted to my being, is Anxiety by Samir Chopra. It's what it says on the tin: a book about anxiety. He examines it from a bunch of different perspectives: Freudian, existentialist, psychiatry. I've never read a book that was so much about me that wasn't about me. I just nodded along with almost everything he describes.

2 months ago @ Crasstalk - Wind Up The Weekend Op... · 0 replies · +4 points

I always do that. I go through the little bios the proxy stuff has for each board candidate and vote against anyone who seems more obviously evil or I just don't like the vibes of. I try to always vote against anyone who is/was a hedge funder or McKinsey, for instance. I also like to vote for the shareholder proposals, because the company always wants you to vote against, but they're tricky: some of them are idiotic and/or bigoted. Not that my votes do anything at all, and everything the company wants voted up gets voted in, but it makes me feel like a "corporate citizen" with some agency.

3 months ago @ Crasstalk - Happy 14th Crassiversa... · 0 replies · +10 points

14?!!1!??? Wow. Congrats, YOU PEOPLE.

3 months ago @ Crasstalk - Zen Weekend Open Thread · 1 reply · +5 points

Even if she doesn't end up winning Iowa (and remember Obama won Iowa twice, and Tim Walz is from an area along the border with Iowa and very popular), if this is even just a signal of strong support and gaining ground in the Upper Midwest in general, it's still a good sign.

4 months ago @ Crasstalk - Welcome to the Weekend... · 1 reply · +4 points

In my gay, white, cismale EXPERT understanding, a D&C can happen after someone has just given birth, too.

4 months ago @ Crasstalk - Welcome Weekend Open T... · 0 replies · +3 points

Dogs, that's just amore.

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - Holiday Weekend Open T... · 2 replies · +8 points

So, a few years back when YOU PEOPLE Started Planking, I didn't pay attention or participate. I'm interested in trying it now, but I have a bad back and neck and am scared to do it wrong, so I was wondering if any of the Crass Plankers had instructions or a good video or something.

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 1 reply · +6 points

What's funny is that there's growing evidence that there WAS contact between Polynesia and South America... from the Polynesian side. Not much or steady, maybe even unintentionally, but it might have happened.

6 months ago @ Crasstalk - Play On Open Thread · 1 reply · +7 points

He wears glasses AND solves Rubik's cubes! He's Nerd Superman!

6 months ago @ Crasstalk - Play On Open Thread · 5 replies · +13 points

People are all like, "But he didn't buy Twitter to make money, he bought it to influence the election and spread his rightwing ideology!" And, yes, it's obvious that he's promoting Nazis and blocking "antifa," but... haven't we completely come to understand that the man is an idiot snozzled to the gills on a mix of K, benzos, and LSD who thinks he's a genius? He's running Tesla and Twitter into the ground, and you know that eats on him, no matter the political goals. He WANTS to make money and show the world what a smart boy he is, no matter what he else he wants.