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1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Top of the Week Open T... · 0 replies · +6 points

Stunning! I love when dogs go to the groomers and come back with a snazzy scarf. Very Parisian.

1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Top of the Week Open T... · 0 replies · +1 points

A lot of "smart" Republicans have thought they'd do that, but it hasn't gone particularly well for them.

1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Top of the Week Open T... · 1 reply · +10 points

He's a Thiel disciple, so Trump probably picked him to get a lot of money from Thiel and his fellow (literal) fascist vampires in Silicon Valley.

1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +4 points

Yeah, I just saw that picture on Twitter, and... yep, he won.

1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 26 replies · +5 points

Because he looks "strong" now, defiant. Some people will sympathize. It'll consolidate the wishy-washy "not quite Trump cult, but not too far off" vote. The media will make it a story about how Joe Biden is old.

1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 62 replies · +9 points

Well, he just won. That fist raise will be on every poster. And a million conspiracy theories were born.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +6 points

It's also kind of insulting to rural people: "We know y'all are bigots, so we won't let the queers into our stores!"

6 weeks ago @ Crasstalk - Fresh Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +6 points

I know this is just a joke, but I, for one, am glad we don't have flying cars. People are terrible drivers in two dimensions! Can you imagine adding a third to the mix? The accidents!

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Big Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +4 points

She's a vile, vile woman, so the portrait is very appropriate.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - New Start Open Thread · 1 reply · +5 points

In 30 years, all the politicians will be Brynleigh and Aidan.