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13 years ago @ Big Government - Newt Gingrich Is Right... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ Big Government - Newt Gingrich Is Right... · 0 replies · +1 points
The numbers! Americans have no appreciation for the numbers! Too many, too poor, too uneducated and we soon will be too many, too poor and too uneducated if Newt and Amnesty backers get their way.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Newt Gingrich Is Right... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ Big Government - Newt Gingrich Is Right... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ Big Government - Newt Gingrich Is Right... · 0 replies · +4 points
Just because John and Newt want cheap labor is no excuse for breaking the law and being granted any benefits. As for your false argument of being humane - you mention not breaking up a family - who says we want to break up any family - on the contrary they should all stay together and self-deport together once employers are not allowed to hire illegal aliens. By trying to make your argument the "humane" argument - you surreptitiously try to take the high ground and anyone else is less than humane. Shame on you.
Last thing - if I didn't want to pay my taxes and I was really good at not being caught for years and years and years, but I made a great life for myself and I created and wonderful and otherwise law-abiding family - would the government grant me amnesty because I was better at cheating and stealing than my poor schlub neighbor who just started cheating the government last year. Get real! I would be headed to Federal Prison faster than you can say, "illegal". Go back to the drawing board - your argument if full of leaks and sinking.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Newt Gingrich Is Right... · 0 replies · +7 points
In a nutshell, attrition through enforcement would solve this problem in short order. It entails jailing employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens and also having a mandatory e-verify system for employment (fining employers will not work because they will pass along the cost to us). The second part is a working entry/exit Visa system that tracks people who overstay their Visas. Third - no benefits of any kind for illegal aliens. Fourth - we need to follow the original intent of the 14th amendment and end anchor babies being granted citizenship.
Fifth - build the fence once and for all. If these steps were followed - illegal aliens would self-deport and our illegal alien problem would be solved. If Newt wants to be President he will heed my advice and change his tune and support "Attrition through Enforcement".
14 years ago @ Big Government - Wednesday Open Thread:... · 0 replies · +4 points
14 years ago @ Big Government - Bipartisan Bomb Throwe... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Big Government - Bipartisan Bomb Throwe... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Big Government - Confessions of a Liber... · 0 replies · +3 points
By the way the argument you set up about prejudice against Yolanda Garcia or hispanics is another strawman. If our border were with Polish speaking people and those illegal alien Poles were illegally entering our country and ignoring our laws and sponging off the welfare system and we had to have everything written in Polish as well as English on ballots and grocery stores then you bet we would be looking for people with Polish accents as potential illegal aliens.
What LIBERALS like you (and you are not a Libertarian) don't understand is simple statistics. If more illegals are hispanic then it stands to reason we would be looking for hispanics as potential illegal aliens. What you suggest is the fiasco we have at airports - because we are too politically correct to screen for Muslims then every one of us has to be inconvenienced. I'm sorry but if you run an immigration system like you suggest then we will end up with a worse system than we have now.