Duane Lester

Duane Lester


472 comments posted · 59 followers · following 16

13 years ago @ Big Government - BREAKING NEWS: David A... · 1 reply · +3 points

I also read last week that Obama was a D student at Columbia and failed Economics:

13 years ago @ All American Blogger - Palin Knows the Differ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Chris, I'll try.

13 years ago @ All American Blogger - Obama Not Muslim Becau... · 0 replies · +1 points

Persecute an entire religion? Is your whole online shtick based in hyperbole? I went and read some of your tweets. You are a hateful person.

Feel free not to come here again.

And as for the Bush/Jesus comment, that's simply not true. You need to learn more about what you are talking about. Don't come here and try to spread your liberal B.S.

13 years ago @ All American Blogger - A Year Later, We're St... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't think that Allah is in Hell, mainly because I don't think Islam's "Allah" exists.

Now, Mo is another story.
My recent post 10 Reasons to Hate the NRA

13 years ago @ All American Blogger - 5 Places in America Mi... · 0 replies · 0 points


It's more about the hypocrisy of the action. She and her husband preach sacrifice, yet pull this stunt. They advocate visiting the Gulf, then fly to Spain.

My recent post 5 Places in America Michelle Antoinette Could Have Taken Her Grieving Friend Instead of Spain

13 years ago @ All American Blogger - 5 Places in America Mi... · 0 replies · 0 points

So you are saying there is no difference between Michelle Obama and Laura Bush's vacations?

Are you really saying that this doesn't stink of elitism?

Come on now.
My recent post 5 Places in America Michelle Antoinette Could Have Taken Her Grieving Friend Instead of Spain

13 years ago @ All American Blogger - About those body scan ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It doesn't make much sense to me either.
My recent post Sen Smalley Has No Class- Leader McConnell Dresses Him Down

13 years ago @ All American Blogger - Alex Nowrasteh, Your O... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'd be interested in seeing what violent crimes were committed following the kidnapping of an Arizonan. I doubt those crimes are included in the stats he cited.

My recent post I Agree- “One in five Californians say they need mental health care”

14 years ago @ All American Blogger - Is Pam From the Office... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, he was Janis Joplin's dealer and he did do propaganda films for the Communist Chinese. Plus, he introduced the walking snakehead fish into the American ecosystem.

On several occasions, he's thrown raves in the Dunder-Mifflin warehouse. He's known to the kids as "Poppa Smurf."
My recent post Weekend Link Love – John Wayne Edition