Jonathan D. Miller

Jonathan D. Miller


5 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Say What You Want Abou... · 0 replies · +1 points

This Lane Anderson guy is a real piece of work! It amazes me how these liberals will distort history so much to make it seem that all conservatives and Republicans are nothing more than crooked, criminal elitists! What a joke!

Thanks for calling Lane out on his blatant lies!

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Thursday Open Thread · 1 reply · +4 points

is this a space shuttle launch?

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - "What the Hell Were We... · 0 replies · +1 points

The level of ignorance that these people displayed is astounding. WW2 an unjust war? We only sacrificed countless of our young men to free millions of people from oppressive war mongers, but sure, go ahead call it unjust for us to spread "democracy" and "freedom." We should have just sat back and minded our own business. Yeah right. These people (code pink) are lunatics!

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Need a Better Reason t... · 0 replies · +1 points

What is wrong with these people? Its one thing to practice free speech, but to physically impede people to enter a place of business is criminal. The police made me so mad. What a load of BS. Police CANNOT remain neutral, they have a responsibility to enforce the LAW!

They call that being progressive, I call that being ignorant.

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Mitt Endorses McCain; ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I also wonder what kind of deal was struck. I just don't see McCain asking Mitt to be his VP, but what then did he offer?