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11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +10 points

Hi CC sorry about your situation get well soon, sorry l've not been about lately, l will call in the room soon to say hello.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 1 reply · +14 points

@ Elite Commander, so give an example of what you suggest.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 11 replies · +36 points

And once they have "white flighted" the white flighters carry on voting for the same parties that caused the problem to start with.---idiots!!

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 1 reply · +7 points

The labour MP's name is Greville Janner. not a lot of difference though

12 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 1 reply · +19 points

A perfect example of the parasite is the "Cuckoo in the nest syndrome" the Cuckoo lays it's eggs in other birds nests and then the hatched young Cuckoo then removes the young of the nest of the birds that belong there and then is fed by the host birds, this is very much like immigration to this country, and we know about those who facilitate this.


12 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +13 points

If she had not have killed herself this incident would have just been noted as what it is, a harmless prank, and as she did not understand it as such shows a serious disorder of her mind.


12 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 1 reply · +18 points

" Maybe it's an example of people being liberal until something affects them? " you are right there PharmaPhil, when l stood as a nationalist candidate in my local area my next door neighbour spouted the usual " don't stand for that party, they are fascist, nazi, bigots etc:, sometime after standing l mentioned l may sell up and move house, he said "don't sell to Pakki's, --- l replied "Gotcha!!, he enquired "what do you mean", l said the other week you called me "fascist, nazi etc: now that something may land close to your doorstep that will affect you, then you go the other way, whose the fascist now?" needless to say he went away with his tail between his legs.


12 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +8 points

Google "The peoples pledge"-----this is another worthwhile campaign and worth signing with over 127,000 signatures already.


12 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 1 reply · +25 points

Thanks first of all to Bertie for enabling people to listen to Icke, l listened to this for most of the day, and I am none the wiser having done so, l just did not have a clue as to where he was going with this presentation.

I found 90% of what l was hearing as incoherent and disjointed rubbish, Icke's presentation was so outlandish that I found myself questioning my own sanity at times, then came the point within the last hour of his presentation I could take no more of this stuff so l left the room.


12 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +25 points

l have to agree GA, having hands on experience of running my own pub/hotel l found that the out of the customers l had, the "characters" in the local area were the smokers and heavy drinkers, and without them l simply would not have made enough profit to continue, most, but not all of the non smokers were bland in character to say the least, the heavy drinkers and smokers were the guy's who always had a funny story to tell and made the pubs go with a good laugh atmosphere that attracted even more customers to the pub, if l go into a pub nowadays filled with non smokers the characters are missing and the ambiance is not there anymore and so l tend to only stay a short while.
