PTC Investigations

PTC Investigations


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8 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - NeoBux · 2 replies · +4 points

Well since they started allowing min exposure country filtering, I have been getting more ads. Almost 200 $0.005 ads a day. Which is a dollar a day clicking all those ads. Seems to be targeted to US members. Downside these have videos within the pages that takes ages to load. I never have enough time to click them all, but I thought would share the change since many probably don't see it.

I have seen these type of ads are on Clixsense as well.

8 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - PaidVerts · 0 replies · +1 points

Understood. Nothing has changed in regards to buxwiki. I did a bunch of updates for them months ago. He was trying to sell it to me, but I told him I don't have time to manage a web site full time and I am not interested. Other than updating sites that are no longer paying there, I am not doing any more minor updates for them. As far as I am concerned if the admin can't be active then I wont waste too much time with the site.

8 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - PaidVerts · 2 replies · +1 points

Unless I am misreading that gigantic and long update on their site ... I doubt your balance will be there. Looks like they are going to take it this time around for the debt swap. They say the BAP will remain, but the balances will be "swapped to BAP "

Yes, It is still a crappy ponzi scheme.

9 years ago @ - Creating · 0 replies · +1 points

Paypal limited and no payments since June 4, 2015. Forum was also removed to hide complaints.

9 years ago @ - Editing PiggyBankGPT.c... · 0 replies · +1 points

Site stopped paying under the new ownership. Moved from Paying GPT to Scam.

9 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - PaidVerts · 0 replies · +1 points

He was just looking out for his own skin and trying to get someone to buy his account. When I looked at it the proof looked really bad and the text was all wrong. xD

9 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - PaidVerts · 1 reply · +3 points

PTCCentral does a pretty good job. But I still report scams on my facebook, google + , twitter and through newsletters for those who subscribe to it.. Also the social media warnings sometimes makes it to the google searches ;)

I also work on BuxWiki, and other sites. I will continue to use my old facebook and other social media to warn about the bad ones and just work on other sites as a writer. I just bring too much heat when I write about scams. :D

9 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - PaidVerts · 3 replies · +3 points

Not a ponzi huh?

9 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - PaidVerts · 1 reply · +2 points

That and a Lamborghini before the year is out. :p A waste of money, all just to show off. He is constantly talking about making cuts and ways to fatten his own wallet from this scheme. The cashout fees are outrageous now. And his loyal members constantly talk about how he is swimming in money, but he has to nickel and dime people at cashout. What a joke!

9 years ago @ PTC Scrutiny - PaidVerts · 3 replies · +1 points

According to Richard, they have totally blocked them. So I don't see how paypal released anything. They don't do that when an account is frozen.

As of today:
"PayPal wont have any news until March 10th when they pull their head out of the sand and actually bother to review our account.

Right now they've just pulled the plug, as some twisted test no doubt. See if we die I guess, and get loads of chargebacks. If not, I guess we'll get the account back next month, after some more arguing."

So either they sent one from another account or someone faked it. Easy to do with html editor in DevTools. Show me where the proof is and I can look it up.