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8 years ago @ The Toast - ADHD, Not MPDG: Growin... · 0 replies · +5 points
Especially - as several other sufferers of color have indicated above - you have family from a culture of the "not only can there not be anything wrong with you because we have to dump all these household tasks on you because you're a GIRL, but on top of that we're ALREADY going to be judged negatively in this culture so there CAN'T be anything wrong with you because that's going to ruin your chances.
8 years ago @ The Toast - ADHD, Not MPDG: Growin... · 0 replies · +1 points
There's all this handwringing about abuse-abuse-abuse -- how about some counseling beforehand WRT how meds can potentially really wreck / substantially impede parts of your functioning?
I mean, aren't they supposed to be the experts ...?
8 years ago @ The Toast - ADHD, Not MPDG: Growin... · 0 replies · +3 points
That can be a thing, if you're sitting on the ADHD/Asperger's-ish edge.
/personal experience
I find I have to limit my viewing pretty severely because of that. I'm like a GoT/NEVER person, because I just had a suspicion.
Of course, I then discovered The White Queen and found out that the Stark/Lannister feud was actually semi-based on what happened between the Yorks and Lancasters.
Good thing TWQ was only one season long. *sigh*
8 years ago @ The Toast - ADHD, Not MPDG: Growin... · 0 replies · +2 points
I have friends from/in Seattle, but if I can get even a recommendation or referral from her, it will be worth it. Because then when I contact the office, my request for an eval will be coming from a credible source, in their minds, instead of just little old me, who couldn’t possibly be trusted to know anything, let alone the workings of her own mind or how to spell ‘neuroscience’.
Thanks again so much; I’m very very grateful.
(Also your username is just The Awesome.)
8 years ago @ The Toast - ADHD, Not MPDG: Growin... · 0 replies · +5 points
And never understands why I practically want to kill myself when she does, because talking is stimulating for HER (and of course, everyone should have the same reactions she does to everything, because if they don't, they're just being unreasonable).
That's also extremely helpful given the fact that she wants to relocate (she says, as she keeps changing her mind).
Le sigh.
8 years ago @ The Toast - ADHD, Not MPDG: Growin... · 2 replies · +2 points
(If you can believe it, you get a fair amount of "never heard of it / of course you're bright and you don't have it" in NY - in NYC, even. We're supposed to be a sophisticated place, but sometimes that purported sophistication can break down in the face of racial & gender bias in medicine -- which even doctors will admit is there but seem reluctant to take any steps to do anything about. :-( )
8 years ago @ The Toast - A Slightly Subdued Ope... · 0 replies · +2 points
8 years ago @ The Toast - A Slightly Subdued Ope... · 2 replies · +3 points
What worked to "show you" that?
Was there a way it was put to you that didn't make you defensive or angry?
What were the words & phrases that got through ...?
8 years ago @ The Toast - A Slightly Subdued Ope... · 0 replies · +3 points
Has it really been three years??
8 years ago @ The Toast - A Slightly Subdued Ope... · 0 replies · +4 points
I've had, unfortunately, a series of several who were much more terrible.