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13 years ago @ theCHIVE - Photo of the Day · 1 reply · -6 points

I saw this back in the 70s originally. Come on "thechive" why you gotta spam Digg? I know when I go to Digg I am looking for the most cutting edge humor and comedy. If I wanted recycled Jay Leno jokes, I'd go to reddit (or thechive).

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 0 replies · +4 points

Um, no. See, I have this thing called "facts" on my side. You can use Google and peer reviewed scientific journals to confirm what I say.

The 1920s called, they want their meme back.

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 0 replies · +7 points

What are you talking about? It's illegal for me to smoke a joint in my basement by myself. You're throwing all sorts of hypothetical BS in there that doesn't belong.

As for the urban myth of the "contact high' it's just that, an urban myth. The concentration in PPM of THC in exhailed air is so low there is no way you'd get high from it. Let alone once it diffuses into a room. Not to mention people don't really smoke in public. Your argument is falling apart! Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 0 replies · +3 points

Yes Marinol, which not only gets you high but gets you so high you can't function. On top if that instead of something you can grow yourself, you have to spend huge bucks to a pharmacutical comapny for something that literally grows as a weed! Common sense is not your strong suit.

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 0 replies · +3 points

Grow your own 20$ in electricity over 4 months and you can have a couple of ounces.

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 0 replies · +3 points

Wishing you had something to smoke is not an addition. I wish I was watching TV right now instead of arguing with idiots, but I'm not addicted to TV.

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 2 replies · +2 points

Scientific studies say otherwise. I suppose we should just trust you over scientists who research these things for a living?

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 0 replies · 0 points

No, there's not. If you're dependant on something it's because it is physically addictive. Marijuana is not physically addictive. People do it because they enjoy it. There is no dependance.

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 1 reply · +4 points

That might be your expierence but that should have 0 importantance in a debate like this. Drinking a 1/5 of vodka will kill your ambition as well, yet that's legal. As for me, I get more done when smoking, without a joint I am depressed and will sleep the whole day.

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Bans Sale of \'K2... · 1 reply · +10 points

I have the luxary of growing for a living. I moved to a state that regonizes that Marijuana has a medicinal benifit. I donate my product to local organizations that then make sure it finds its way into the hands of those who can benifit from it.