


1,195 comments posted · 24 followers · following 24

14 years ago @ Big Peace - It's Official: North K... · 0 replies · +2 points

What I found would NOT be in keeping with what he likes to project - image wise - for himself... Seems to be a "queer" angle to it, but I am sure he didn't/doesn't know that. Sketchy, so no definitive pronouncement on it from me... Don't let him waste your time, your comments are too good for that crap...

14 years ago @ Big Peace - It's Official: North K... · 1 reply · +1 points


Hard to disagree with your take, but at least he has good taste in his movie selection. Ever seen some of the scenery in those "spaghetti Westerns" on blu-ray? Awesome! But I guess it is all just normal for you. Bein' a "slicker" 'n all has deprived me of that kind of scenery... though I must say that Chicago looks AWESOME when viewed from certain slightly distant (and some up-close) angles...

Pr GF, CME... done for the night... (probably)

14 years ago @ Big Peace - It's Official: North K... · 3 replies · +2 points


Not just the vocab, but he can't help himself, dude... - err... dudette... Ya spot the other one yet? Proximity to stupidity seems to be another characteristic with this one...


GF, SSE...


14 years ago @ Big Peace - It's Official: North K... · 5 replies · +3 points

Oh, come now - he said he was going away! It simply can't be Dripper... You're not suggesting he was somehow dishonest, are you? Besides, wouldn't he be clever enough to... Nah, never mind - he wouldn't...

45pts on one comment? He must think he is brilliant! L4S must be jealous if he saw that. Only two more comments and he should be at 135... I am not worthy...

14 years ago @ Big Peace - It's Official: North K... · 0 replies · +1 points

Like Sanford and Son - presiding over a junk heap they spent decades creating... At least Fred and Lemont had something of value though...

14 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - What Country was this ... · 1 reply · +3 points

Merry Christmas from across the pond Jack...

May we find the strength as a civilization to survive...

I have just finished reading (again) "We The Living" by Ayn Rand.

It is instructive for all of those whimpering douche-bags who don't understand freedom... - As well as those who embrace collectivism... Tragic...

Fight on, and my best to you so long as the anti-Semitism is muted...

Save what is best there, and may it endure for another thousand years...

Happy New Year!


14 years ago @ Big Government - I am NOT gassy!

Oops... Never mind!

14 years ago @ Big Government - More like "hind of the hog", but close enough... Shanks a lot!