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12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- Have ... · 0 replies · +1 points

During the neverending quest for a tailgate for my '66 F100, a buddy of mine took me to a junkyard in Grantsville, Utah. The place was just a paradise. Just about everything you could think of from the forties up to the mid seventies. Straight eight Buick Roadmaster sedanette? Check. '55 Cadillac converted into a motorhome? Yep. V12 American LaFrance? '48 Lincoln limo? More Studebaker Hawks than you could count? Yes. The place was amazing. The guy said that the city council was making noises about condemning the whole thing, and he was willing to deal to save the impressive collection of cars. I wanted to take at least a dozen of them home with me, but would have settled for the tailgate. Did he have one? Of course not.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Weekend Edition - The ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll take the supercharged Packard, thank you.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- What'... · 0 replies · +2 points

Another Tuesday answer. The Honest Charley Ford V8 60 bike (because the Boss Hoss is too obvious). Not really a swap, custom frame, but it looks like it could be. Titled as a '72 or so Honda 750 because of the forks and steering head. I read about this bike years ago, and I swear to God right after I moved here to Tombstone a local antique dealer Hoon bought it, and rode it down the street. I ran up and stared. Like a grinning idiot. This same exact bike, no shit. Stock V8 60, straight pipes, the thing sounded just heavenly. Only one gear, Jim said that he had to slip the clutch to get it going, but once on the road, it cruised along just fine, kept up with Harleys and the like just fine. As long as your ass could withstand the hardtail frame. One of the most unique and just plain badass bikes I've seen. Who cares if you can't feel your ass after riding it for fifty miles?

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- What'... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wonderful. I'll bet the sound sends chills up your spine.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - HCOTY 2012: Presenting... · 0 replies · +3 points

Congrats, Scott! This was the obvious winner, for sure. I love it.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- Digit... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great minds think alike.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - 1965 Plymouth Barracud... · 1 reply · +2 points

I almost hate to say it, but this is a prime candidate for LeMons. You could probably sell the intact rear window for some pretty good money, and spend that on cheaty engine and suspension bits. Make two of the team members dress up like the Wilson sisters from Heart. There ya go.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- Digit... · 2 replies · +5 points

The speedo on the '69 Toronado we had when I was a kid rolled, and the indicator was stationary. Weird, but it worked OK.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Truck Thurs... · 0 replies · +6 points

For some reason, I have a vision of myself driving this truck down the street, douching everbody and everything in sight with the remote sprayer from inside the cab.

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - The Official 2012 Atom... · 0 replies · +7 points

As usual, I'm drinking PBR. Love and respect to my fellow Hoons and Toasters. Man, this is one great community. Here's to you, me, and all of us and I hope that we all enjoy a happy and prosperous New Year. Cheers!