


7,508 comments posted · 72 followers · following 38

4 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 1 reply · +3 points

Hope you're doing alright, man

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +1 points

This certainly was insightful, thanks a bunch! Question tho: What exactly are you in uni for? Your major?
As for me, -yes- expect me to a bit more prevalent online. X3 THERE WILL BE NO SLEEP FOR ME XD
As for me, I'm usually the guy the girls are staring at. ;P

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 3 replies · +1 points


I know writing a comment like this would take a while, but-
Could you give me a rundown on what a normal day at uni is for you?
I'm going to be shipping out to uni in less than a year, and I know that all schools are different, but I'm just curious. o.o

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 0 replies · +2 points

*waves the not a brony either flag*
I've never considered myself a brony actually, I just like the show~

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +1 points

It's so adorable! DX
Your skill has surpassed that of the show, y'know~

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +1 points

Most people I've talked to know what it means. X3

Now that is an odd problem. o.O Still though-I WANNA SEE YOUR ART
Plz? :3

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 3 replies · +1 points

It means "that awkward moment when" X3

Yeesh, you're still having those problems? >.<; I'm sure you've made at least some progress, right? We haven't seen some of your art in a while, not post it?

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 9 replies · +3 points

tamw you realize that your only recent comments have been "happy birthdays". XD
Summer's been crazy busy, but with my mom getting back to her job, I'll have a bit more time to myself which of course means, GETTING BACK TO MAKING VIDEOS! I got a lot of ideas over the summer and can't wait to try them out. X3 I think I'm going to attempt to vlog. I've never really liked the idea of vlogging, but I'm going to try to make them funny. Any of you ever watch Wheezy Waiter? I'm going to try to do something like that. In other news, I broke up with my girlfriend in the beginning of July, but then two weeks later got back together with her. ^ ^; Really though, nothing has happened this Summer. -.- Whatever though-HERE'S TO FALL! THE BEST SEASON!

I hope you all are doing well~

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 2 replies · +1 points

I sixth that "happy birthday Rick" XD
Btw-friggin' love that name. "Rick" Is it short for Richard?
I'm totally gonna call my son that. X3

6 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 5 replies · +1 points

I didn't even know that existed. XD
Also, surprised to hear it's good. o.O