


14,960 comments posted · 167 followers · following 202

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 1 reply · +1 points

I take back what I said about you doing the right thing.

Breaking things off with Rain, and then blaming your friends...that's not the right thing at all.

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 0 replies · +1 points

You did the right thing. I know it wasn't easy.

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 2 replies · +1 points

Shining...do something about it before it's too late.

Harmless playing around/flirting is okay...we all kinda do it. But this...this is different. I know you have good intentions for the most part. I know you develop feelings quickly, just as I do. But you need to drop this. I'm not trying to be a dick but when your wife/ex-wife whatever that deal is gets involved...it's too much.

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll let Shining tell you if he wants.

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 6 replies · +1 points

I'm telling you this as a friend. What you're doing with RainStorm is wrong. You're leading on a...a kid...Shining...

I thought about posting anonymously but really I don't care at this point. Don't be that guy, Shining. You're better than this.

8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Premiere: Extended Equ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Just thought I'd drop one last one here with my ID account...

I think I may have found some possible good news...I don't think the base will just up and disappear. The proof is in Desu Daily's previous posts before Disqus was implemented. You can still see all the old comments but it just looks as though a bunch of anons were there.

So this place will just look as though it was inhabited by ghosts. I wonder if we'll be able to comment here using Disqus though...well that's for you early morning risers to discover.

Anyway, I should get at least 3 hours of sleep before work...

Goodnight and farewell (possibly) to ID.

8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Equestria Daily · 7 replies · +2 points

Here we go...my possible final comment using ID here.

I don't know why I'm feeling sad. I'm sure everything will be fine.

I just don't want to lose all the old posts and all the memories associated with them. The base, my base...all the bases. It was fun times and hopefully we can continue to keep having them and making new memories.

Anyway...sappy music time.

Goodnight everyone. Have a fun rest of the ND and hopefully the Disqus transition goes smoothly.

8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Equestria Daily · 0 replies · +2 points

one of my favorite people here.

8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Equestria Daily · 1 reply · +1 points

Awwwwwww o3o



8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Equestria Daily · 1 reply · +2 points

Give me the formuoli?