


364 comments posted · 44 followers · following 19

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh, but I can surely turn over the Facebook account :D

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Because I just don't want any random buyer to take it. It has to have standards to qualify for the kind of effort I put into Better Blogging For Bloggers ;)

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 1 reply · +1 points

So Dennis, in response to all your three comments ;)

Thank you for following this blog closely. You're one of my loyals around here ;)
A personal blog? Hmmn. That sounds great :D I'll surely think about it.

The Twitter account isn't included because my twitter account (@HeyLiane) is meant to be personal and not just restricted to my blog. I have a couple of real friends over there, as well as business contacts that i want to preserve.

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Not as easy as it sounds ;) I've though of this, but in the end, I want someone to permanently take over. For long term benefits to this blog

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Please contact me asap so I cans end you a prospect buyer's kit

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

I let this comment pass in moderation because I want to publicly see the last spam comment I'm ever gonna receive. HAHA

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Kok Soing! As what I've been saying, I'll definitely back.... maybe not a blogger but as an entrepreneur. Yeah, it'll be nice too to pass this along a student like me, but I need some returns to for all the effort I've done ;)

please keep supporting this blog though. Thanks!

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't believe I can. By next year, I'll probably get busier. Better find a new owner while I still have a little time left to do so. Yes, this niche really is competitive, but with the right attitude, one can make it through it ;) and time too, of course.

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - Better Blogging For Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yup Chendong. I'll definitely be coming back :D But probably as an entrepreneur of some sort. There's so many things left for me to explore in the internet. I believe I could still learn a lot beyond blogging.

14 years ago @ Better Blogging for Bl... - My Adventure On Using ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes. I think I included that too when I said that either way, I'd vouch for both Aweber and MailChimp. I heard about iContact too! But well, I think my choices are already narrowed down to those too.

and I need more training using this stuff. haha