


550 comments posted · 12 followers · following 11

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +5 points

Bedroom tax is a scandal, British people who have worked in farming all they're working lives have been thrown out of their property, the muzzrat keeps their prayer rooms.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +7 points

Its good to see Muslims getting some of their own, far to much politically correct progressive liberal mush poisoning white society. I find it difficult to condone this kind of activity where Muslims are concerned, if you hurt a white liberal he will feel sorry for you! Muslims don't understand or respect this ideology and why should they white liberals are cowards.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +14 points

Welcome back GA.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 2 replies · +15 points

Whatever happened to free speech, it would seem you can only now speak freely if you are spewing leftist self loathing loonyism. What next? The freezing of my own Pay pal account because they don't like my politic!

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +15 points

This tax is an attack on british people, who are going to benefit? yes, the unwanted filth and their rat families.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +13 points

Old Liz is a traitor she should be black flagging multicultural genocide, hope she dies soon.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +16 points

Another micro party going no where, after long and thoughtful deliberation i have arrived at the conclusion the best cure for the progressive liberal faggot is the AR15.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +8 points

Collin is a coward, who now has the death of a nine year old boy on his conscience, a tragedy he clearly could have prevented, there is nothing liberal about progressive liberal multiculturalism we are under attack, we should be under no illusions about the nature of their strategy.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +10 points

GA, the only people i can remember Adrian Davies slating at the meeting were the working class idiots still supporting Nick Griffin.

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 1 reply · +15 points

Look on the bright side, my grand kids can have white dolls banned when their a minority!