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14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - BNP Candidate attacked... · 0 replies · +8 points

Bob's clearly a tough bloke who doesn't take any c**p from anyone. He was fully justified in sorting out those arrogant sods and anyone with an ounce of common sense would agree. I'm just glad he's on our side.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Why this American beca... · 0 replies · +4 points

A very good article. I'd encourage any other Americans reading this to join the BNP. The battle against Islam that's being fought in Europe is one that will soon come to the Americas if we fail, so give us your support now (especially, but not exclusively, those who are Christians and of European stock). The Dutch MP, Geert Wilders, called the US 'the last man standing', referring to our Judaeo-Christian Western culture. I say don't stand alone - help the Brits and the rest of Europe get back to our feet so we can fight this fight together.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP’s Effective Anti... · 0 replies · +5 points

Why is the Army fighting over there to save a load of unappreciative foreigners who will return to their old ways the moment we pull out? The Army should be here, sorting out the traitors who are destroying our nation. The senior officers who are standing by and allowing this country to be pumped full of foreigners should hang their heads in shame.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Supports Environme... · 3 replies · +3 points

Perhaps a tax on farting?

14 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Candidate in Swind... · 0 replies · +10 points

This is the way to go. Well done Reg and Michael, and the very best of British luck!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - South West BNP Campaig... · 2 replies · +2 points

Not related, but please make sure this story gets on the BNP website. People HAVE got to read this - it's going to stir up a hornet's nest in Burton-on-Trent. Have we got anyone standing there? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1270021/B...

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Govt accused of "Truth... · 3 replies · +5 points

Another truth blackout, this time by the BBC. Despite the magnitude of this report in today's Daily Mail, you won't find a sniff of it on the BBC. Conspiracy to protect Muslim extremists? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1270021/B...
Don't miss this one GA, it needs plastering all over the website (and the BNP's, too). I seem to recall this crime being reported a few months back and a local politician blaming it on BNP supporters.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Where the BNP Stands 5... · 0 replies · +4 points

The cracks are definitely beginning to show throughout the EU. If Geert Wilders' Freedom Party win the Dutch election, their policy will be to leave the EU. If a founder member leaves, others will begin to follow. As you say, we only need to look at history to see where these projects of world-domination lead.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - The Great Hunt Continu... · 0 replies · +8 points

199,000 migrants a year is still "tens" of thousands (not quite "hundreds"), and if this is net of those that leave then it's no wonder people have grave doubts about this so called policy. If you want an end to immigration, the obvious choice is to vote BNP.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Legal Officer Lays... · 0 replies · +7 points

Any chance of updating the lyrics with subtitles?
I hope he gets charged, but in view of the way every other attack on the BNP gets dropped by the Police/CPS I'm not getting my hopes up. Anybody remember last year's online article in the Mirror stating what a "shame" it would be if blacks were to use the leaked membership list to attack BNP members? Nothing happened about that. On the other hand, if the BNP makes one miniscule misjudgement (think Marmite) it gets hauled up in front of the High Court within seconds. Godd luck to Nick on Thursday!