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13 years ago @ The Barkman - What the *#^% has happ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Case in point, James - - PictoChat is mine and Scott's show, not Andrew's, haha. But honestly, that one little episode I did of The Wiire with you was epic, we definitely need to podcast again.

But you and Andrew are most certainly invited onto PictoChat. It's definitely a good place to talk about the more exciting things in gaming and Nintendo: the 3DS.

13 years ago @ The Barkman - What the *#^% has happ... · 2 replies · +1 points

I'll just copy/pasta my comment on The Wiire's Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/thewiire) here:

Scott showed me this, and then I decided to stop over here. If anyone cared to do the research, I quit months ago. Hence the stoppage of everything.

Full disclosure: I quit because no one else had done anything for months, arguably years, guys. It wasn't the healthiest environment to work in, especially when the fans are clamoring for the people that did nothing.

I had a ton of fun working with this site, and I (along with Scott and Andrew) have some awesome projects ahead. Personally, the writing was on the wall, right? With everything happening in our lives, The Wiire would eventually see an end, in my opinion.

But that's all up to Ian. I don't have any say in what happens with his site.

In the meantime, I couldn't recommend Joystiq.com (that's with a Q, Elijah) more as your go-to resource for gaming news. That's considering every aspect of reporting and journalistic practices/standards. Beats the hell out of Kotaku or some of the other Nintendo-centric sites out there.

Sorry for the letdown, but it was never going to be the same ol' Wiire with James and Rob and the guys anyways, something I heard plenty of in the two years I served the site. All good things come to an end, something that perhaps The Wiire should have done more gracefully a long time ago, right?

Take care, peoples. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @mikesuszek to keep in touch. Trust me, I wouldn't have left this site if I didn't have big things planned for the internet. And yes, more podcasts will probably come as well.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Monster Hunter Tri · 2 replies · -1 points

Mentioning it isn't "slamming" the game for it.

This was a significant part of my experience, something I felt was a negative aspect of that experience. I'd be remiss not to let others know that.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Monster Hunter Tri · 4 replies · -1 points

I fully recognize that, but in terms of critiquing the game, these animations are far too slow. It's less about strategy and skill, and more about cheap shots in creating a challenge from a design perspective. I don't tip my hat to those sorts of design decisions very often.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Nintendo E3 2010 Predi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Re: Retro and DK, that's a rumor, not at all a confirmation. It would be cool, but personally it would be a letdown that Retro's talent isn't being used for a new IP.

The other stuff about Zelda is rumored until the source is released. That's just how it works, as much as they validated it.

14 years ago @ New Game Plus - NGR: Episode 40 - Six ... · 2 replies · +2 points

I will literally ruin my liver every day for you if I have to. For you specifically.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Nintendo: Apple is "En... · 0 replies · +3 points

For the time being, I've changed them to single quotes. Doubles would be fine, if only for the understanding of it being a bit more parenthetical in nature.

Quit being picky. I read it perfectly fine.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Miyamoto: Nintendo Is ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Facebook/social gaming and Netflix all say, "Hai!"

The audience is and would be there if the service matched expectations and were actually fun for the mainstream consumer. The main Wii audience doesn't not use the internet. They have computers. Nintendo has the capability of translating internet users into online Wii users. They just haven't.

The audience is there, without a doubt.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - The Wiire Podcast 165 · 1 reply · +1 points

Can I call you a moron in return?

Because we were saying that you can't have the same level of an epic game in comparison to the 360 and PS3. And before you would make the argument that it isn't fair to compare these systems, or that we really shouldn't, we absolutely should and can.

Consumers, core gamers specifically, already ARE doing this. The Wii IS capable (if you listen to the podcast, you should have heard me say this many, many times) of having extensive experiences. One of the problems is developers not willing to take the risk on it. The other problem is the consumer. Gamers, in general, suck. They are more than willing to be dissatisfied with any epic game on Wii because it will never compare to what is capable on the other current systems.

It's an unfortunate fact. I'd be remiss to not acknowledge the obvious truth that certain games can be done on the Wii. I'd also love to say that any listener that expects us to say everything possible in the one hour time slot (on the spot, when we may not remember every little detail), in a conversation with 3-4 other people, is a moron.

But thanks for the critique! Maybe someday you'll see the reality in the things we DO choose to say!

14 years ago @ The Wiire - The Wiire Podcast 165 · 1 reply · +1 points

Now THAT is quite far removed from the truth.

If we didn't want to talk about Nintendo stuff, then we wouldn't podcast, simple as that.

We bring up discussion points, but to say that we actually decide on opinions like that is completely incorrect. None of us actually settle on anything until we see it ourselves. In fact, I think the constant use of "we'll see" exemplifies that.

Don't get too fixated on the small things. That's exactly where this criticism is coming from, the small things. That's not to say I'm not really heavily considering it, because I am.