Ian Mikutel

Ian Mikutel


198 comments posted · 390 followers · following 7

13 years ago @ Greenly - Solving The Salt Probl... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Christopher, I've updated the photo with the proper attributes. Sorry about that! :)

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Miyamoto Hints at New ... · 1 reply · 0 points

Great to see Pikmin in the works, and a new IP is pretty big news. Will it be casual or hardcore? Hmm...

14 years ago @ The Wiire - The Wiire Podcast 168 · 0 replies · +5 points

There was actually a rumor you'd suggest that.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Rumblefish Launches Fr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah I saw that too, kind of kills it for any small business to use, or all the folks who have an online video advertising stream. Why make people negotiate an additional fee? Seems like an unnecessary step. Simplify it, post a rate, and many more folks would do it.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Mario Sports Mix Hands... · 0 replies · +1 points

It reminds me a lot of Strikers in the look and styling, anyone else feel that way?

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Iwata Hints at 3D in N... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well he's quoted as saying "probably in the next system", which makes you wonder just when that would be...

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Nintendo Announces Don... · 1 reply · +1 points

Anyone surprised by this announcement?

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Exclusive Video And Sc... · 0 replies · +4 points

1. Digg is still a place for finding crowd sourced news. It simply is recognizing user demand seen across the web for social features and adding that into its product.

2. You say you get enough sharing on Facebook, etc. but what's funny is every time a new sharing/social site launches, over time, we've all grown to begin using it anyway. First we had Delicious (2003), then we added Facebook (2004), then we added Twitter (2006), then we added Google Buzz (2010). Clearly folks ARENT getting enough of it on any one of those sites, since each site has been able to build sufficient user bases. The Internet's a huge world, and different products will appeal to different groups; many can survive. Besides, if we only had one platform, all the privacy folks would be up in arms (as they get from time to time about Google or more recently Facebook) that X company controls too much of our information. Ultimately, competition/multiple platforms is a good thing. Digg entering this space only adds to that.

3. You can still type in Digg.com and see what the "world" finds interesting, however now you'll get to see what your friends/followers/"tastemakers" find interesting too. Think of it as a USA Today adding a "local" section.

4. At first, I agreed with your point that v4 does not appear to show a solution to Digg's lowest common denominator problem. However, upon further thought, it does. Digg has given the power to the user. During the "onboarding process" you select who you follow, friend, etc. and decide what your stream of "My News" will look like. Follow all brilliant people and you'll get interesting, valuable content. Follow idiots and you'll get great funny pictures of cats. Follow a mix and you'll get both.

5. Ultimately I can see myself using the new Digg, but it will take time to see how it fits into my arsenal of social websites. If it doesn't do enough to differentiate itself, it'll go by the wayside. However, as history has shown us, we seem to have no problem adding another site to the mix.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Nintendo Developing Wi... · 2 replies · +1 points

Doesn't Nintendo have every right to use all the IP they've successfully built up over the years? You say they're "starting to grab things out of the bag just to keep (Wii) alive" but really, most folks would just complain if they didn't utilize the IP in the first place.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Nintendo Developing Wi... · 5 replies · +1 points

Nintendo does seem to be using all the IP they have to lengthen the Wii's lifespan. I'm curious, why does it bother you so much?