Scott Barkman

Scott Barkman


263 comments posted · 52 followers · following 7

13 years ago @ The Barkman - Facebook Instant Perso... · 0 replies · +1 points

Theres no way I could have explained my view in 140 chars. Glad you see the security issue... What facebook has is already border line when it comes to security, they don't need to open their doors any further

13 years ago @ The Barkman - What the *#^% has happ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Shhhhhh - we can't unvail anything until geocities comes back

13 years ago @ The Barkman - What the *#^% has happ... · 1 reply · +1 points

The wiire may not have, but i know i died a little every day that you weren't there *sadface*

13 years ago @ The Barkman - What the *#^% has happ... · 0 replies · +1 points

lol thanks for the props harshy. I'm working on a blog overhaul as well, so hopefully this blog wont become completely stagnant. heh

14 years ago @ Fenix Blog - Why You'll Hate Drupal · 1 reply · +2 points

Drupal really does have a "image" issue. I recently went into a Drupal development completely convinced that it was "Word press on steroids" as Clarity_Jones pointed out. But I think it is more accurately described as a "stripped down wordpress framework on steroids"

Theres so much granule control over every aspect of the CMS (term used loosely) that there is a huge amount of research and module hunting to get it to be a wordpress alternative if that is what you are after. I think Drupal really aught to release a pre-packaged "CMS" package that gave you that functionality, yet have the core if you are after a much more customized environment. It would solve a lot of the misconceptions people have about Drupal.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Rumor: Sonic Playable ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Normally I would frown upon short comments.... but this is one exception I will have to make... the following is what I think.

no. just. no.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Iwata Says No To Proje... · 0 replies · +3 points

I can't help but remember Microsoft saying they've been developing this for years now long before Nintendo did motion.... wait so a company who had the package pretty much built approached Microsoft and they just bought it? I hate PR

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Eiji Aonuma Talks Wii ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm holding out he meant this E3. At least thats what I'm hoping and praying for. They need SOMETHING to blow people away at E3. Zelda is a given.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Nyko\'s Wii Wand with... · 0 replies · +1 points

haha, yea, this is really the first time where theres been some issues with the 1st party controllers. Although I'm not a fan of the nyko wand, I'm sure they will really capitalize on this idea.

14 years ago @ The Wiire - Nintendo Identifies Mo... · 0 replies · +3 points

Wait... Nintendo markets!? like.... advertise? Wow! First week into the new year and they've already unveiled a new department! /sarcasm.