


91 comments posted · 8 followers · following 15

14 years ago @ cutest date ever - My Valentine's Day · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks. I think? :)

14 years ago @ new game + - Five by Five, A 2009 T... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice to see some Plants vs. Zombies love on this list. We all know how I feel about that game. It's also great to see Super Mario Brothers Wii getting some love, because its totally fun and awesome. It's looking to be one the only game I've beaten in years.

Congrats on NG+ turning 1! That's a really big accomplishment, you guys do a great job.

Happy New Year! :)

15 years ago @ new game + - The Future of Multiplayer · 0 replies · +3 points

Great post Dan!

I'm really jealous of you Xboxers that get to play 1 vs 100 - I think its a game I would seriously enjoy and the way they are using multiplayer sounds really awesome, and is definitely something that should be done more.

15 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - John Mayer and the Gr... · 0 replies · +2 points

Are you people seriously getting your panties in a bunch about this?

Whether you like John Mayer or not, it's clear the guy is one of the most talented guitarists to hit the music scene in the last 5-10 years. The guy can seriously rock, and despite the fact that most of his songs are pretty cheesy, the guy is actually really talented. It doesn't surprise me at all that this dude can't play Guitar Hero or Rock Band. For someone that actually knows how to play guitar, playing Guitar Hero has got to be pretty awkward. You use none of the same skills.

And in his defense, if I can't figure something out or suck at it, I usually get frustrated and stop playing too. It's the reason I haven't beaten more than 10 games in my life.

15 years ago @ The Wiire - Zelda\'s Re-Awakening · 0 replies · +1 points

Also, you get a gold star for referencing Limp Bizkit and making it work. :D

15 years ago @ The Wiire - Zelda\'s Re-Awakening · 3 replies · +1 points

I'd love to see Zelda take a new direction as well. I think you make a ton of really good points here, and I think it would be pretty sweet to see Zelda do some things that he's never done before.

I really like that you bring up Prince of Persia. I'd love to see some of the gameplay elements from Prince of Persia in a Zelda game. As someone who has played very little Zelda, I think this is the type of thing that would really entice me to play one. I've been gaming since I was like 4-5, yet aside from 20 minutes of Twilight Princess and less than half of Phantom Hourglass, I've never really played Zelda. The series always seemed intriguing, but boring. I think adding in the Prince of Persia type elements would make the game a bit more exciting and fun. (and maybe draw in a whole new crowd of gamers)

Also, this NEEDS to happen "What if Link could take a rope, tie it to an arrow, fire that arrow at a cliff ledge, and then climb said cliff ledge?" YESYESYES.

You're totally right about this. Can we send this article over to Nintendo now?

15 years ago @ new game + - NGR: Episode 14 - Genr... · 0 replies · +1 points

You haven't sent me an email in like a month dude!

15 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Weekly Shonen Jump Unv... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm not really an RPG person, but those characters look really cute. Maybe I'll try this one.

15 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Kojima Providing Suppo... · 1 reply · +1 points

I don't really know much about Castlevania, but I do have a pretty silly question that hopefully someone can answer for me.

Are these current Castlevania games in any way related to the Castlevania game I used to play on my NES back in the 90s?

15 years ago @ new game + - Kelly's Top 5 iPhone G... · 0 replies · +1 points

haha CONES! I love Cones! And I love corn ice cream!

I assure you that it was actually a tomato, and not tomato flavored ice cream.

See, tomato. And also an onion.