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11 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +2 points

too funny- Diesel Dyke Janet will be on your front porch personally

11 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +1 points

This was a Harry question

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +1 points

not only differences in speed, but difference in traffic- not even NYC had jams in 1908, and none had a/c. also a Miata weighs 2x what a model T did.

However, I still do not understand why we are not going more towards hydrogen engines- of that's right- Obama killed them

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 2 replies · +5 points

Now is the time we start our own party, and not let liberals pick our candidates

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 2 replies · +4 points

Hope everyone enjoys their government run health care, just don't get too sick

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +3 points

I liked it- considering W still gets blamed for the big bang and the Great Flood, it gave Mitt a chance to say he would be his own person- not that he handled it as well as I would have liked

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +4 points

had to listen on XM, and you can hear it in his voice. thought he was about to cry a few times

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +3 points

Romney missed several openings again- Why do they refuse to point out that Valerie has full time secret service, while our ambassador does not have protection?

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +2 points

not near as much annoyed about 3 minutes as I am that Romney only got last word on 3 of the questions

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 2 replies · +3 points

I am banking on a Romney win- literally, due to chnges in employment situation (my boss lost his job, and since we were a one truck operation- I lost my job) and ended up buying my own truck, so If Obama wins, I may be looking for somebody to move in with soon.