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4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 1 reply · +2 points

Thank you djinn. <3

I know you in particular were interested in the Xenoblade LP, so once things have settled down here and I get round to finishing it in my own time, you better believe I'm going to want to talk your ear off about it.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 4 replies · +5 points

Guvatf ner qvssvphyg (V'ir hfrq gung jbeq n ybg, uhu?) ng gur zbzrag, nf jr'ir obgu orra fubjvat fvtaf bs na rcvfbqr. Uvf jnf ybj, arj sbe uvz (ur'f zbfgyl nyjnlf hc qhevat gurz naq eneryl tbrf guvf ybj) naq V'z hc n yvggyr. V'z znantvat vg vagb cebqhpgvir gnfxf yvxr guvf irel cbfg (juvpu V rkcrpg ba gvzvat bs gur negvpyr eryrnfr gb cbfg jura V'ir yriryrq, naq vagraq gb qb fb ertneqyrff), ohg jevgvat vg nybar ernyyl unf orra n tbbq jnl gb negvphyngr fbzr bs gur guvatf V'ir orra ubyqvat va n ybat gvzr. V nccerpvngr terngyl rirelbar jub ernqf guvf, naq vs lbh'q yvxr gb qvfphff nal bs vg jvgu zr, rvgure urer be va cevingr guebhtu rznvy V pna'g cebzvfr nalguvat, ohg V jvyy nofbyhgryl pbafvqre vg naq gel gb vs V'z noyr.

A big thank you also to ForensicFanatic, who has been aware of some of this and has always been willing to be a soundboard to let some of this out in private. <3

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +5 points

Fb nyy gung jnf abg terng, naq gura jr pbzr gb zl qnq. Ur jnf n unccl, ivoenag crefba nqwhfgvat gb gur zber pbzzba cnvaf bs tebjvat byq jura ur rkcrevraprq n irel vagrafr znavp rcvfbqr. V qvqa'g xabj vg ng gur gvzr, ohg ur'q unq gurfr orsber, hfhnyyl ynfgvat n jrrx naq zbfgyl yrnqvat gb uvz bofrffviryl pyrnavat naq er-betnavmvat gur ubhfr (zbfg punatrf qvqa'g fgvpx cnfg uvf erpbirel). Guvf rcvfbqr jnf rknpreongrq ol n xvqarl vasrpgvba, juvpu vf sbe n juvyr jung jr gubhtug gur znva vffhr jnf. Ur jnf rkgerzryl jrnx naq qryvevbhf jura V jnf svanyyl noyr gb trg uvz gb N&R jvgubhg uvz bowrpgvat naq fcrag guerr jrrxf va orq, n crevbq ur qbrfa'g erzrzore. N cflpu grnz rinyhngrq uvz naq nsgre 3 zber jrrxf ur erghearq ubzr. Ur fybjyl erpbirerq bire gur ynfg lrne orsber nabgure rcvfbqr bppheerq.

Gurer jnf ab vasrpgvba guvf gvzr, ohg vg jnf fgvyy zber vagrafr guna cerivbhf lrnef. Guvf gvzr ur jnf frpgvbarq naq znqr gb fgnl va n fcrpvny zragny urnygu jneq (gur pbzsbeg, nzravgvrf naq fgnss jrer nyy rkpryyrag, ohg ur jnf pbasvarq gb gur pbzcyrk nyy gur fnzr). Ur'f n cebhq naq cevingr zna, fb erirefvat gur fvghngvba jurer V'z gur pner-tvire jnf qvssvphyg gb nppbzcyvfu ohg jr ynetryl znantrq naq jura ur yrsg (rneyl, uvf frpgvba jnf bire naq ur qvqa'g jnag gb fgnl qrfcvgr arrqvat n erpbzzraqrq 2 jrrxf ba-gbc bs gur 8 ur'q nyernql orra va) jr yrsg jvgu n qvntabfvf: Ov-Cbyne 1. Univat ernq hc ba vg, fcbxra gb uvf qbpgbe naq gerngzrag grnz, vg rkcynvaf fb zhpu naq V erterg abar bs hf pybfrfg gb uvz ernyvmrq jung vg jnf fbbare. Uvf zrqvpngvba vf gb fgnovyvmr uvf zbbq, naq juvyr gurl jbex sbe gur zbfg cneg, uvf raretl yriry naq raguhfvnfz vf ybjrerq ol gurz, znxvat uvz frrz n sne pel sebz uvf byq frys. V qba'g zvaq gur punatr va gung V xarj vg jnf n fvqr-rssrpg gung zvtug arire erireg naq V'ir pbzr gb grezf jvgu gung, ohg vg vf uneq gb frr uvz yvxr guvf naq abg jnag gur byq uvz onpx. Ur'f urycrq ybbx nsgre naq uryc zr jbex nebhaq zl ceboyrzf sbe znal lrnef, naq V'z fb jvyyvat gb uryc uvz, ohg V pna'g nyjnlf pbcr, naq vs bhe ybj crevbqf pb-vapvqr guvatf trg jbhyq or irel ceboynzngvp.

Va erfcbafr gb uvf qvntabfvf, juvpu bhe rkgraqrq ohg abg pybfr (fcrnxvat grezf) snzvyl ba uvf fvqr unf uvfgbel bs, V xarj V arrqrq gb or orggre sbe uvz naq fgnegrq onpx ba nagv-qrcerffnagf/nakvrgl zrqvpngvba. Gur svefg srj jrrxf jrer ebhtu, vg'f abg jvgubhg vgf fvqr-rssrpgf be vanovyvgl gb nyjnlf xrrc zr yriry, ohg V nz orggre sbe vg. Orpnhfr V'ir nyfb fubja fvtaf bs flzgbzf fvzvyne gb gubfr jub unir ov-cbyne, V'ir univat gung nffrffrq fbba naq jbhyq ubarfgyl abg or fhecevfrq gb svaq V unir vg gb fbzr qrterr, ohg V'yy nqq gung gb gur cyngr naq qrny jvgu vg vs gung unccraf.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +5 points

This could be long, but I've been encouraged to share where I feel most comfortable, and it's right here. Thank you to anyone who reads any part of this, and sends their best feelings even if they don't feel comfortable taking in such content right now. **This indicates spoilers for Xenoblade Chonicles 1 and where they stop.**

Fb, vg'f abg rknpgyl yvxr V jnf qbvat jryy zragnyyl onpx jura V jnf npgvir urer, dhvgr gur bccbfvgr npghnyyl. V'ir fhssrerq sebz qrcerffvba naq nakvrgl zbfg bs zl yvsr, ohg vg tbg jbefr nf V ernpurq nqhygubbq. V jnf pbcvat sbe n juvyr ohg riraghnyyl unq gb fybj qbja, naq qbja, naq qbja. Nebhaq gur gvzr V fgbccrq orvat npgvir urer V unq n tbbq ibyhagrre wbo tbvat gung jnf urycvat zr n ybg, naq jnf va vg nobhg n lrne. Gura gur fubc naabhaprq gurl jrer uvevat sbe n cnvq cbfvgvba naq fnvq jr fubhyq nccyl vs jr jnagrq. Va cnegvphyne, gur znantref rapbhentrq zr gb nccyl sbe gur wbo, juvpu V jnf zber guna unccl gb qb. V ernyyl yvxrq gur jbex raivebazrag naq gur crbcyr, naq sryg tbbq ng qbvat zl pheerag erfcbafvovyvgvrf.

Nccyvpngvba jrag jryy, tbg gb vagreivrjf jvgu 5 bguref (1 bgure grnz zrzore sebz gur fgber). Riraghnyyl, qrfcvgr srrqonpx V vagreivrjrq jryy V jnf ehaare-hc gb gur arj uver (fbzrbar arj gb gur fgber). V qvqa'g guvax V jnf gbb qvfnccbvagrq bevtvanyyl nf V fgvyy unq gur pheerag ibyhagnel cbfvgvba. Ohg ybbxvat onpx V jnf urnegoebxra abg gb unir tbggra vg, cnegvnyyl orpnhfr V jnf fpnerq bs tbvat gb cnvq rzcyblzrag fbzrjurer ryfr naq univat gb nqncg gb n jubyr arj frg bs pb-jbexref. Nqqvgvbanyyl, gur urnq-znantre bs gur fgber jnf genafsreerq gb nabgure fgber nebhaq guvf gvzr (haeryngrq gb gur arj uvevat) naq jr tbg ba ernyyl jryy, naq fur jnf nyjnlf gurer gb nppbzzbqngr zr vs V jnf univat zragny vffhrf gung zrnag V arrqrq gb fgrc njnl gb fbzr dhvrg cevingr cynpr, bsgra ure bssvpr. V fgbccrq jbex nobhg n zbagu nsgre gung nsgre fybjyl phggvat qbja zl ubhef, naq gur ntbencubovn ohvyg onpx hc, fgebat nf rire. Naq fb gung jnf zr sbe n juvyr. V unq fgbccrq gur YC cynaf naq cbfgf, va cneg orpnhfr juvyr V rawblrq cynlvat gur tnzr naq znxvat gur pbagrag perngviryl, V jnfa'g unccl jvgu gur dhnyvgl bs zl frg-hc (vg jnf ynobevbhf gb znxr jbex naq abg uvtu svqryvgl naljnl) naq vagrezvggrag va cbfgvat. Xenoblade Spoilers **Dhvgr frcnengryl, V jnf nppvqragnyyl fcbvyrq ba jung zhfg or n snveyl ovt gjvfg tvira ubj V ernpgrq gb Svben'f qrngu, anzryl, gung fur jnf fgvyy nyvir fbzrubj be va fbzr sbez (fnj fbzr sbbgntr bs n tnzr frpgvba jvgu ure va vg, cyhf yngre ervasbeprq jvgu Fuhyx'f arj fznfu va FFOH).** V jvyy fgvyy cynl gur tnzr bar qnl, rirelbar enirf nobhg vg naq V jnf rawblvat zbfg bs vg, ohg gung xvyyrq zl synttvat vagrerfg va YCvat vg, naq nyy bs vg qvfpbhentrq zr sebz cynlvat gur tnzr ng nyy, ohg V qb rkcrpg gb tb onpx gb vg ba zl bja gvzr naq sbe zr nybar, hagvy V svavfu vg naq pna qvfphff vg cebcreyl jvgu crbcyr.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 7 replies · +5 points

Ready for Brawl? Magic the Gathering (Arena)

(And personal stuff in the rot13 reply, TW: Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health, Parental Health)

Good afternoon everyone, been a while since I've been even reasonably active on these forums, which is a great shame but really fell off the wagon when Mark finished Trek. I'm back to share something I'm very proud of having worked on, a real passion project that I'm hopeful is the start of something positive. I've written a set of guest articles for a Magic the Gathering community site. In them, I present all manner of decks for the Brawl format (think Commander, if you're familiar with that, but for Standard), just added to Arena to hopefully inspire or supply players, especially those new to the format entirely a good place to start. I'm hoping that these kind of articles will become more frequent if the first batch do well. Here is the link to the article Ready to Brawl? Part 1 - Mono-Colour which is being hosted on MTGGoldfish, a site of amazing content creators I've looked up to for a while, so it's a big honour to write for them.

I realize I was forming the foundation of a series of Let's Plays like many others here and stopped early, and if you were looking forward to those I'm sorry. I'll get into that more in the rot'd reply. Thanks for reading, and I'll leave this amazing Final Fantasy IX album: Beyond the Mists by Pixel Mixers as contrition? But also really great covers, definitely those.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 1 reply · +10 points

Got out of the loop, didn't realise we'd swung back to Doctor Who. Thanks to some other sharers I got some eps with the others (Mysterio, 01, 03-05) here with 14 downloads remaining.

And this week's episodes (12, Twice) are here, also with 14 remaining.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 14 replies · +5 points

Just wanted to share the latest trailer for Magic the Gathering and its upcoming set release, War of the Spark. It's pretty much their first time going into full-blown CGI ala League of Legends and Blizzard style trailers, and it's kinda blowing up beyond the direct community, so I thought it'd be worthwhile to share here too. I'm really excited for the set and the story!

[youtube b5W9t62t10I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5W9t62t10I youtube]

If anyone's coming in completely new, happy to discuss the story leading up to and including this set below once threads collapse.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +1 points

No problem. Either of those options should work for me, so I'll wait to hear from you.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 2 replies · +2 points

Sorry I didn't notice this last week while you had the time, but I can trade with you if you like. Friend Code is 3711-7046-1426. Sorting a time can be kinda clunky on here, so feel free to email at unroted: wjvyyvnzf.sngr@tznvy.pbz and I should be able to find a time that works to get you twospoons. :)

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points

If it helps calm the skepticism, as far as I'm aware (the article suggests it too), HBO is only distributing His Dark Materials. It's been in production by the BBC for a good while now, and this is to be the first of three 8 episode seasons. So, probably a little restraint at how the effects might look, but it's also got a lot of old (old new?) Doctor Who people on it so production wise it should be solid.

Edit: Blegh, says right there HBO also come in as a co-producer, which I read about and forgot apparently. Still, I think they came on later into the project, so ideally the foundational work is strong.