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8 years ago @ Birther Report - Two Weeks Notice: Nort... · 0 replies · +6 points

What we need now is for a child born overseas to an American citizen mother and foreign father to sue for natural born status. How can they be a naturalized citizen and at the same time have Teddy, born under the same circumstances, somehow be a natural born citizen.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Listen Live: Attorney ... · 1 reply · +13 points

He could direct the FBI to investigate who Obama really is and then take it from there.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Brutal Fox: Birther Do... · 3 replies · +20 points

I was born in NYC and my birth certificate looks just like Trumps.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - North American Law Cen... · 0 replies · +17 points

My word is "Despair".

10 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - Growl · 0 replies · +3 points

Another reason to pay off your mortgage.

10 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - Growl · 1 reply · +4 points

That probably beats being on the VA waiting list.

10 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - Growl · 3 replies · +3 points

It's past time for him to arrested, tried, convicted and executed.

10 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - Growl · 1 reply · +3 points

Makes you wonder if there really is any hope for this country.

10 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - Growl · 1 reply · +3 points

It's 1984 again.