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10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Saturday Open Thread · 14 replies · +12 points

I am not calling you a child, I am calling you a coward. Something that will be brandished on your soul until the end of days if you can't make right by that poor cat who deserves a dignified death as opposed to being dropped off with strangers who may or might not be able to take on the responsibilities of an adult. You are looking for a pity card here and I for one am not giving it.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Saturday Open Thread · 19 replies · +14 points

You aren't willing//financially/able to take care of him. Do you really think that there is someone out there who is? I am sorry that your cat is ill but you need to step up and be the responsible adult. If you cannot afford to treat him, the trauma he will suffer before the shelter eventually has to put him down will be far greater than the regret you will feel at letting him die in your arms with someone he loves, instead of a cold sterile environment with no one who really means anything to him. At least let him go knowing he was loved.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Saturday Open Thread · 22 replies · +17 points

If you are concerned about his well being, why don't you have him put down? I don't understand where giving him over to a shelter where it is unlikely that someone else would adopt him to take over his medical bills and then the shelter would have to do the inevitable of putting him down would be less traumatic? At least have the good sense to let him die with grace in your arms, with someone he loves instead of foisting off this most difficult task onto some stranger.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

I am so naive....plus it has been a super long week of learning shit

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Nike started out by mr whomever making running treads on a frickin waffle iron! and now this? ridiculous.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 4 replies · +3 points


10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +9 points

At this point I know of two possible outcomes. One, I will actually get thru all of this learning to be all smarts & stuff and pass the various tests OR I will have finished the house remodel because I am avoiding all the homeworky stuff that is slowly driving me insane.

Either way, its all good....

back to the CFR's, they are the work of the devil I tell ya.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 6 replies · +5 points

Wait, wha?

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +2 points

The Mr & his bff smoke cigars. If they are having one of their sessions out back on the deck, they have the good sense to close the doors & zip up the gazebo tent (or whatever it is called) otherwise they get this out the window "would you two for the love of god shut the *ahem* mofo doors!"

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Thursday Open Thread · 0 replies · +7 points

Determine the free surface constant for a fuel oil tank 30' long by 40' wide by 15' deep. The specific gravity of the fuel oil is .85 and the ship is floating in saltwater (Specific Gravity 1.026)


I worked on that problem for quite awhile & now, I surrender. I am going to cuddle with the dogs & give it another go in the morning.