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12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - A Black Guy at the Dal... · 1 reply · +2 points

"Why was the burden on us to convince a black racist that this was not a racist gathering?"

This concept has angered me for a long time. The concept that whites must prove themselves innocent of racism to the black racist satisfaction. The truth is no one has to prove anything to anyone, and if the black racist have a problem with that, then well, thats their problem.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Witness to Breitbartâ€... · 0 replies · +5 points

Coroners assistant " died suddenly from what is suspected to be arsenic poisoning."?????

What the hell is going on over there? This whole thing stinks! and the witness has disappeared?

Assassination conspiracy seems more likely than ever.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - In stump speech, Miche... · 0 replies · +9 points

If Romney has the balls he should send them a bill and demand reimbursement payment to the taxpayers.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Spinning Political Hay... · 0 replies · +1 points

If Obama had passed on the opportunity to kill Bin Laden, he would have been the second Democrat President to pass up the opportunity. Clinton was the first, and the information eventually came out how he passed on the opportunity to take out Bin Laden during the 911 commission investigation.

Secondly , It is his job to see that Bin Laden is captured or killed. Sure we are glad he did his job on this one. Thats a no brainier, but don't expect us to pat you on the head and say good boy every time you do what is expected of you. Just do your job thats what we pay him for.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Two Burglars Enter The... · 32 replies · +5 points

These types of attacks against white people never seem to get the front page or even a mention on the evening news, and when they do the race of the perps are usually not divulged at all. If the country was made aware of the frequency and severity of these racial attacks, there would be an avalanche of outrage and demands for justice. Perhaps this is why the media is hiding this information.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Resolution Blames ‘R... · 3 replies · +5 points

The woman dresses like a damn fool.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - String Of Drive-By Sho... · 1 reply · +2 points

Judging by the lack of media interest, the shooter was obviously not a whiteguy.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - About · 0 replies · +8 points

All I can say is WOW! kinda feels like being home again. So many familiar faces, and my spell check works here!

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - 'Undocumented And Unaf... · 0 replies · +10 points



12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - 'Undocumented And Unaf... · 0 replies · +10 points

OMG - Obama Birth Certificate Proven Fake Fraud by Sherrif Joe Arpaio of Arizona
