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7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 1 reply · +5 points

Apparently you don't like that Mr. Vogt's name was mentioned and he named you as a co-conspirator. And it proves Hodges' point that liberals subconsciously and publicly confess, like you did here. Good job, crackpot crank.

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 3 replies · +6 points

Michelle Obama Secretly Confesses Her Husband is an Illegal President

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 17 replies · +32 points

Tony says: Zullo will push for legislation to prevent another Obama from gas-lighting America. He doesn't expect President Trump's administration to prosecute Obama.

Another step toward the next Civil War. Prosecution is the correct and rightful conclusion to this illegal usurpation. Without prosecution we continue with lawless Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches. These wrongs must be corrected or there is no longer a country called America.

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +14 points

So sad that the little doosh lacks the American Experience. Trying so hard to be an American while destroying it.

'ISIS, North Korea... none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate': Obama rips into Trump after The Donald finally ended 'birther' crusade

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +15 points

It's fairly well-known that Ayers wrote the books. Ayers probably attempted to make Obama sound more exotic and international to buy him credence and relevancy. Perhaps, Ayers didn't know enough about the Globalist's plans for Obama and complicated the issues when he actually told the truth.

However, the flip side is Obama employed a well-known unrepentant terrorist to write books even though Obama's claim to fame was being the Harvard Law Review Editor. We know that's not true at all.

Apparently, Obama was qualified to write his own books - yet, took the easy way out and let someone else do the heavy lifting - and he's paid the price for that ever since.

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +17 points

With all the birther related info of the last two FOUR days I decided to see what Chuckles C. Johnson has to say - forwhateveritsworth - Pollak is lying too.

Shilling Ben Shapiro Is Lying About Relationship With Andrew Breitbart & Brawler Steve Bannon To Hurt Trump

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +22 points

Former McClatchy Editor: ‘We Assigned a Reporter to Go to Kenya’ After Clinton Operative Urged Birther Investigation

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 4 replies · +19 points

Roughly a week ago Assange said he would start teasing some of the most outrageous Clinton emails. Assange said he would drop those before the first debate.

Communists always try to get in front of the story to neutralize the impact. And that's because these are some dastardly vermin.

In my opinion - with the barrage of birther stories over the last few days and the LSM's complicity in creating fake news and skewed news - there must be an avalanche of bad news coming for the little tyrant directly from Clinton's own mouth.

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +18 points

Washington Bureau Chief: Clinton Surrogate Sid Blumenthal Pitched Me ‘Birther’ Story In 2008

WATCH: Black Pastor Tells MSNBC Host Joy Reid That Hillary Started The 'Birther' Movement. Reid FLIPS OUT!

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 1 reply · +19 points

I'm rather sure the Deplorables will be showing up. And you don't have enough Muslim invaders to counter it.