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11 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Man of Steel Review (V... · 0 replies · +3 points

Ya know I really liked Man of Steel but there was something about it that didn't quite feel right. throughout the movie I felt as though they were trying way to hard to convince me Superman is a good guy with all the good deeds he's doing as well as not giving into his urge to beat the hell out of people. But by the end of the movie they're showing us that he has the strength to kill someone and lacks self control. I get why he did it but it goes against what the film makers were building towards in the first two hours. It almost seems like a waste of a movie. who knows, maybe that's what they were trying to accomplish.

12 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Michael Shannon In Ful... · 0 replies · +2 points

If there were ever a movie made that was based on krypton centering around Superman's family, do you think anyone would watch it?

12 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - 'Fringe' Season 4 Cast... · 1 reply · +2 points

I can't wait to see what's going to happen next with Fringe. I'm glad i finally started watching this show, it had a rough start but it's worth it.

12 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Cool On-Set Photos Fro... · 1 reply · 0 points

I doubt it, have you seen Snyder's films? He doesn't necessarily breathe life into his characters, just alot of action. That's not really a bad thing but you may be expecting too much from this director.

13 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Why Optimus Prime Is B... · 0 replies · +2 points

"I really wish more people had a sense of humor about these things"

My own words.

13 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - 'Marvel VS Capcom 3: F... · 0 replies · +1 points

Trailer was nice, and yes I have to agree, capcom characters seemed a bit out of place. It should just be street fighter characters with a few Resident Evil.

13 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - SNL's 'British Movie' ... · 1 reply · +1 points

SNL had a pretty funny music video a few months ago called I just had sex.

13 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Javier Bardem Offered ... · 0 replies · +1 points

ok choices but not for me. I always thought someone who just seemed very weak and somewhat scrawny but by the end was very similar to Roland. If I think more about it I could think of someone who'd be a great choice but I'm drawing blanks.

13 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Javier Bardem Offered ... · 2 replies · +2 points

I could see Bardem as Roland. I'd rather have an actor with some talent to play the lead rather than someone that would fit a young Clint Eastwood type. Plus Roland's kinda old in the books anyway.

As for Naomi Harris, she's a good fit but would absolutely love it if Zoe Saldana was interested.

Eddie Dean needs to be a younger actor, someone who has to look up to whomever is cast as Roland. I currently don't have a favorite but someone who can mature across the series of movies and miniseries and be an equal of sorts to Roland at the end.

13 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Black Swan "Masterpiec... · 1 reply · +2 points

This is definitely one of the best movies of the year. I know not alot of people will like this but everyone needs to see it once. the acting from everyone was amazing and the set designs were spectacular. I feel this movie should walk away with a few awards come Oscar season.