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3 years ago @ http://chathangout.blo... - Calling All Ponies · 2 replies · +2 points

Yeah, things now in the world just suck... Hope your doing good Cpt!

4 years ago @ Only Hooves - Pony of the Day #10 · 0 replies · +1 points

Hehe I know all to well what's like to have a work family. Cause I got one too XD always here for ya Ky!

4 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 3 replies · +3 points

Finale happened and thought I'd leave something here encase Flare or anyone stops here but thanks for all the Memories and look forward to making new ones! Love ya all!

5 years ago @ Only Hooves - Pony of the Day #10 · 0 replies · +2 points

Figure I'd leave this here encase you do read these :3

Our two songs :3

5 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +1 points

Miss those days...

I know and it sucks.. XD

5 years ago @ Only Hooves - Pony of the Day #10 · 0 replies · +2 points

*hugs* I dunno if you reads these at all Ky but, I'll always be there for ya. Like I say you can always Call, Text or video Call me.

I love you, As a crush that comes and goes because of life, but at the end of the day I always remember our friendship and so happy to know such an amazing person like yourself Ky. I wish I could actually be there in person for you but living in different states sucks. But I always think of you and how your doing even down to your mom, dad, brother, doggos. And always wish for your happiness.

So if you do happen to read this, give me a text or call sometime or reply to this or whatever you want to do. Just know that I'm there for ya Kyleigh. Love ya.

5 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 4 replies · +1 points

I miss when everyone could chat and stuff...

But on a side note why is RNG so terrible when going for something in a game ;~;

5 years ago @ Only Hooves - Pony of the Day #10 · 0 replies · +1 points

*walks in* I have! ....Little to nothing to offer the Great Polar other then a set of ears and a opinion here and there heh...Yeah think that's all I got maybe. Who knows!

Hope your doing well Polar. Visit this place time to time see what's up with ya.

5 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +1 points

Heh, I live with mild Anxiety so I know what that feels like XD

5 years ago @ Twilightsparklerules - DEAL WITH IT! · 1 reply · +1 points

Na~ names actually Jeremey, just everyone in my family just shortens it to Jay. XD