


19,016 comments posted · 76 followers · following 70

2 years ago @ http://chathangout.blo... - Calling All Ponies · 0 replies · +3 points

It's been an odd 365+ days for sure. Hope you're doing well, Huskie.

2 years ago @ http://chathangout.blo... - Calling All Ponies · 1 reply · +2 points

You've got this, Waris. You'd be surprised how often I think about the old ND crew, you included. Great to hear from you and I hope you're doing better these days.

4 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 1 reply · +3 points

Yeah, the bots were a bit discouraging. X) That's why I thought I'd pump a little life back into it. Man, Apex, this is making me feel 15 again. lol

4 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 3 replies · +3 points

Ah yes, I'll never forget the old ID login. This poor place looks like it's getting overrun with bots!

5 years ago @ - Nightly Post #321 · 0 replies · +2 points

Hope you're having a bang up life. Go get em, man.

7 years ago @ - Nightly Post #321 · 0 replies · +1 points

Is there no place I will not go to pester you, X? I'm chasing you through Skype, Eqd, and now your inner sanctum.

Answer me!

7 years ago @ Only Hooves - Welcome Again! The OH ... · 3 replies · +2 points

Is this the future!?
Nah, technically, ID is in the past, yet it seems so much more cutting edge to me. X)

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 0 replies · +1 points

(Sorry for the late reply) I'm doing well! I'm gearing up for college at the moment. Lots of transitional stuff.

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 2 replies · +1 points

Heh. You're lucky that I'm at my grandparents right now or else you would have missed me. X)

8 years ago @ http://sonatashindig.b... - hi · 1 reply · +1 points

Seems I might be going an A1X route, if you know what that means. X) I've got to go now. Sorry for the brevity. Take care.