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4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 30: ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Yeah, if it weren't for the end-of-game footage, it'd be great to do this DLC earlier, to add clarity to Ravus's motivations and explain what happened to Ignis (*grumbles*)

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 23: ... · 1 reply · +3 points

I'm pretty sure if you don't take Ignis in the quarry dungeon he doesn't learn the elemental weakness attack.

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 18: ... · 0 replies · +3 points

There are specific conditions that increase the chance of summoning in XV,they're different for each summon. It's the kind of thing that you either look up so you can maximize your chances,or you don't and it becomes essentially random.

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 12: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Vyv!!!! I love him <3

Also, I own the shirt (albeit on light gray b/c I don't care for white shirts)

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXIV – Part 188... · 1 reply · +3 points

I'm so glad you found this quest line as ridiculously fun as I did. Definitely one of my favorite FFXIV story lines :D

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 5: F... · 1 reply · +3 points

the friendship banter, campsite cutscenes, and cooking with ignis are some of my favorite aspects of the game :) (besides the utter joy that is warp strike, that's #1 in my heart)

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 4: P... · 0 replies · +2 points

I confess, I've never really understood how pinball games work >.< Like, it seems like one of those things that everyone else knows how to play/score/do well, but it just seems like chaos physics to me. Oh well.

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 2: R... · 1 reply · +1 points

oh, yeah, welcome to my least favorite thing in the game. It's astonishing* that SE can be all "oh this is a story that requires the main characters to be all men, but we're not being sexist don't be mad at us" AND THEN the first female character we meet is a stereotype male fantasy trope. Her design is so blatantly male-gazy (you mean super short shorts and a bra are not the best clothes for working on cars??), it makes me angry. Other parts of the game redeem it for me, in terms of me liking the game overall, but Cindy's design is a real sour note >:(

*it isn't, actually *eyeroll*

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXV – Part 1: R... · 0 replies · +3 points

I'm so excited!!!!

I like the combat system -- I played the game on easy mode (as is my wont). So I probably didn't get as good at the strategies they hint at in the tutorial, but it was perfect for me. I think Noctis doesn't die as easily in easy mode, but that's based on some fuzzy memories *shrug*

4 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFXIV – Part 150... · 2 replies · +2 points

I love the mix of whimsy/danger with the faeries in this region. part of why it's my favorite :) the side quests are excellent, I highly recommend them if you haven't been doing them