


585 comments posted · 20 followers · following 22

8 years ago @ Halolz - WOLF WEDNESDAY RETURNS. · 0 replies · +7 points

8 years ago @ Halolz - The Fences of Route 13 · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh, I dunno, M.C. Escher had some pretty far-out ideas for stairs once...

8 years ago @ Halolz - Never Give Up Hope · 0 replies · +11 points

*Wipes away manly tears* Welcome back, good Captain.
Welcome back.

8 years ago @ Halolz - BITCH, I'M A TRUCK · 0 replies · +5 points

*Points to GIF*
Exactly my reaction when I found out there was two new HALOLZ updates in a row.

8 years ago @ Halolz - Metal Gear V: The Phan... · 0 replies · +5 points

What? *Giggles* It.. it's alive?
It's alive?
Heh. I-it's alive It's alive. *Chuckles*
*Chuckles maniacally*

9 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] LEAKED Legend ... · 0 replies · +9 points

In other video game news,
Holy crap, Doctor Who, The DC Universe, Back To The Future, Portal, The Wizard of Oz, The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Scooby Doo, and The Simpsons, all in one video game? A video game that is multiplatform? ALL MY YES.

9 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] LEAKED Legend ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Found this a while back. Don't know if the email's still working.

9 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] LEAKED Legend ... · 0 replies · +5 points

About to finally complete Bioshock Infinite, and been hooked on Dishonored. God, the Games with Gold program is going to ruin my life and my 360's hard drive. :D

9 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] LEAKED Legend ... · 0 replies · +16 points

*Browses through usual interwebz*
Meh, nothing new.
Seen that...
Bookmarked that SEVERAL times already...
Well, guess there's nothing more for me to do h..
*Clicks on Halolz*
*Notices something different*
*Gasp!* What's this?
*Clicks on page, scrolls through walls of familiar usernames*
*Excited gasp*

9 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] Smash Bros Cla... · 2 replies · +17 points

Hey! I'm back!
*Looks around*
*notices tumbleweed floating by*
Aaand it's time for me to crawl back into the rock!