


15 comments posted · 123 followers · following 8

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Bed Bugs? We Need Fed... · 0 replies · +2 points

Please tell us that this is a joke. OK? Please?

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Quote of the Day - Wil... · 0 replies · +1 points

Video for your review...targets pelosi and thought you might be interested

16 years ago @ Copious Dissent - Your... - Media Matters Tanks Af... · 1 reply · +1 points

Link back complied with!! Thanks for the heads up on that.

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Small Explosive Device... · 0 replies · +1 points

If the squeamish authorities do not get a handle on this kind of activity, the American Civil War of the 1800's is going to look like a walk in the park...

16 years ago @ All American Blogger - Small Explosive Device... · 2 replies · +2 points

Scary stuff...

16 years ago @ Political Vindication - Talks Are Set on Endin... · 0 replies · +3 points

Can you believe this? I LOVE it when a plan comes together. Lew Waters posted this news at our place earlier! Watch, though. The Defeatocrats will spin this as if THEY had something to do with this development.

16 years ago @ Political Grind - Naomi Wolf, Book-TV, a... · 0 replies · +1 points

A wise woman once said...the far-left kook fringe IS the Democratic Party's Center. Just look at your trolls comment. No facts. No alternative solution. Childish verbal abuse from an idiot.

The more "they" lose their death grip, the more rank and vile they will become. The Ostrich Syndrome comes to mind.

The very enemy of which we wage war against, in defense of our way of life, are the very ones these pathetic lambs of anti-establishment whores support, to their own peril. They support all the Islamo Nazis abhor. This fact, in all essences of reality, will be their doom should our home-grown idiots succeed in securing a defeat in this war.

Very well stated article here.

16 years ago @ Political Grind - That Other War · 0 replies · +1 points

Twolls. Miss Beth has a fantastic post in regards to trolls, inspired, in part, by the renowned Dennis Prager. Twolls don't "debate". They don't possess the intelligence to do so. Their tactic is to distract and whine when they are incapable of refuting facts presented. They feel offended that others are light years ahead of them in all respects.

This why they have lost their grip and their way. In the last two years we, The New Media, have trampled over them, making their ways and means ineffective and have exposed many politicos has the panderers for votes.

We discussed this in great detail on my show this evening with Spree and Melanie Morgan.

Roger...GREAT article!! Well thought out and presented.

16 years ago @ Political Grind - The Enemy in the Mirror · 0 replies · +2 points

"They" are here...NOW and more are coming. "They" have been here since 1950.

The war between Islam and Christianity started in 1948...the modern war.

The problem is this; we have chicken littles too worried about their next political move to be concerned about those small insignificant gnats called Islamic Jihadis. When Allah's sword slices thru the neck bones, it will be too late for them.

16 years ago @ Political Grind - The Enemy in the Mirror · 1 reply · +4 points

Well, I don't want to be read as pompous or anything but I have been and will remain to be one of those alarmists.

I have been ever vigilant to the threats since my first encounter with this "new" enemy in the 1970s.

Glad to see that you have joined the fray.