


46 comments posted · 181 followers · following 11

15 years ago @ India Retold - BACKLASH: JAMMU TODAY,... · 0 replies · +1 points

Remember m8, in Kosovo them were dealing with Yugoslavia.......... Make no mistake here you are dealing with the next world superpower (INDIA)......... there is no comparison between Kosovo and Kashmir. We have fought 4 war and won all of them......I will repeat my words......"Independent Kashmir is a Utopian dream"

About Nehrus promise read Mr Vinod Sharmas comment below.....

In terms of expenditure, government is spending on an average citizen of
Jammu & Kashmir 7 to 10 times more in terms of central assistance than on any other average citizen of rest of the country....... what else do you want.......

15 years ago @ India Retold - BACKLASH: JAMMU TODAY,... · 0 replies · +1 points

More over even if Kashmir gets independence.......... it would be in Kashmir's interest to be close to India as compared to failed state (read - Pakistan)

15 years ago @ India Retold - BACKLASH: JAMMU TODAY,... · 0 replies · +1 points

Independent Kashmir is a Utopian dream........

15 years ago @ The Cape of Good Hope - Typically political · 0 replies · +1 points

She is dumb............

15 years ago @ India Retold - IS MODI BJP'S AN... · 0 replies · +2 points

If you remove godhra from the frame....... Modi has the potential of becoming a good efficient leader ...... but i don't thing that ghost of godhra is going to leave him ever.............moreover honestly i can stand Mayawati is strange to see her emerge as a leader of third front............

15 years ago @ India Retold - TERROR AND NATIONAL SE... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sir you have raised a very important point about faith............. if this thing keeps on happening .... day will come when people of this country wouldn't believe in democracy.......... and if this happens then nothing is going to stop us from becoming a failed state like Pakistan or Bangladesh........... :(

15 years ago @ India Retold - 'GIANT STRIDES�... · 0 replies · +1 points

He has removed the post i think...........

15 years ago @ The Naive Indian - Dear Terrorist Buddies... · 0 replies · +1 points

i hate to sound pessimistic but this is a fact nothing is going to change till this government is in power............check this out ........

16 years ago @ India Retold - HONOUR YOUR PAGRI DR M... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hmmm......... bad boy ;-)........ he is making a good use of comment moderation.............i hate when people don't publish my comment

16 years ago @ India Retold - SINGH - KING, MANMOHAN... · 0 replies · +2 points

Is it possible for a septuagenarian to change by a single event (Trust vote) ??? .... i guess this trust vote was a sort of tipping point where it was to happen...... he has been pushed by one and all for a long time now....