


41 comments posted · 85 followers · following 9

12 years ago @ nancy compton - may there be peace within · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. These words continue to inspire me.

13 years ago @ nancy compton - · 0 replies · +1 points

Stu - Thank you for your kind words. While I believe what we put out in the blogosphere is available for others to reference and share, I so appreciate your request for my blessing. I am honored that you believe this can support your work in even some small way. Blessing given.

13 years ago @ nancy compton - may there be peace within · 1 reply · +1 points

Magi -- Thanks for stopping by. What a wonderful gift you are giving your students by bringing spiritual awareness to the practice.

With blessings and light...

13 years ago @ nancy compton - may there be peace within · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for stopping by. Upon reflection, the quote does seem to be right in alignment with the things that my budding yoga practice brings.

13 years ago @ Moonlight Sonata - What I Will Miss... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dearest Jo - You've shared so much of this with me over the past 13 years that reading your post I felt as if I were reading about someone I knew well. Thank you for giving this glimpse into your family and your love for your Mom. I am so very glad you were there...for her...for you...for your family.

14 years ago @ nancy compton - may there be peace within · 0 replies · +1 points

Hazel - Thank you for posting the Butterfly poem.

It has been a big year for butterflies in Colorado. Just yesterday I saw what have been 20 of them dancing in flight. I always take their presence as a gentle reminder of change and transformation.

14 years ago @ nancy compton - my first great love · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks, Maude! Wished you could have met him. He would have enjoyed you and Nigel for sure.

14 years ago @ nancy compton - my first great love · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Betsy - Thanks for stopping by. When I started writing earlier today I had no idea what words would come to the page. As the post unfolded I realized that of all the things I could say about my Dad, I really appreciated the stable (although not in one place) life he created. I have been truly blessed.

14 years ago @ Moonlight Sonata - Monday would have been... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for sharing this important post. There are not words enough to express how thankful I am you found the cancer early and are celebrating year 3 of good health. And, yes, Monday would have been soon enough for the news, my friend.

14 years ago @ nancy compton - may there be peace within · 0 replies · +1 points

Linda - Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comments and insight. I got a chuckle from the note of St. Teresa of Avila writing.