


8 comments posted · 34 followers · following 7

14 years ago @ Occipital - 2010 At Occipital: Arr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Congrats, guys!

16 years ago @ for and from the curio... - Brainstorming for a be... · 2 replies · +1 points

You said in your post that you've greatly benefited from the loophole. I'm not sure what use any of your suggested improvements would be against a person such as yourself. Would you not just exploit a new loophole? There's a name for doing the right thing regardless of rules or people watching you. It's called integrity. An honest person never needs rules or systems to keep them honest. I believe the solution to the problem isn't a fix on Twitter's end, but making the conversation about use and abuse visible enough that new users are able to find a way to be a valuable community member. Your "Significant Follower Base" did lead me to this post, though only as an example for other users as what not to do. The "Nail in your Twitter coffin" isn't abusing your followers, it's your abuse of everyone who didn't follow you back.


16 years ago @ Startup Weekend - FrontierFail Part 2 · 0 replies · +1 points

The part that aggravated me more than the policy switch was The Lie

Well, that and the other lie, the one that says "We're doing this because it's become hard to estimate what size airplane to use" instead of the truth, "We can charge you for this, up to and including the price of another ticket!" Hooray hidden costs.


17 years ago @ TechStars Blog - · 0 replies · +1 points

Congrats guys! Will your funding party feature an Elvis?

17 years ago @ Startup Weekend Boston... - PR where are you? · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm 5 minutes from facilitating a reconciliation. One where I make you and Jeff hug it out.

17 years ago @ Startup Weekend Boston... - The lounge is humming now · 1 reply · +1 points

Door Wench? Try Keymaster. Or Head Bouncer at Club Startup. Respect.

17 years ago @ Startup Weekend Boston... - Get Social! · 0 replies · +1 points

Twitter: Penguin

17 years ago @ - Micah Goes Lijit · 1 reply · +1 points

Let me be the first to say congratulations! Will be great to have you in town, look forward to seeing more of you.
