Mark Solon

Mark Solon


184 comments posted · 19 followers · following 12

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - TechBoise Open Coffee ... · 0 replies · +1 points

yes, it's tomorrow Amy.

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - OK Boise: Now What? · 0 replies · +1 points

Love the contribution pal, glad you and Jarod are doing so much to add to the startup community. Keep up the great work!

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - OK Boise: Now What? · 0 replies · +1 points

Since we only invest in the Intermountain West region, I don't have much personal context about the Seattle startup scene, having not spent a lot of time there. I know that my pal Andy Sack is thrilled with the results of the first TechStars Seattle class and feels that the community was very supportive.

Boise's got a good handful of compelling startups and a couple of venture-backed companies that are growing nicely. It's nascent, but the town's certainly got great potential.

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Less Data? · 0 replies · +1 points

You say pot-ay-to, I say pot-ah-to...

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Less Data? · 0 replies · +1 points

Love it. Great comment Pete!

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Less Data? · 0 replies · +1 points

Totally agree Kelly. I got into the data stuff for a little while but hands down, I find that "less is more" now. I know if I can hear my heart in my ears or my legs were shaking, I got out of it what I wanted. Toss in the scenery that you, I and our friends in the mountain states get to enjoy, and what else do you really need?

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Contribution, Communit... · 0 replies · 0 points

Good catch Bob. I agree with you 100% that throwing more dollars at education isn't the answer and I wrote that too quickly without thinking. If you'll let me rephrase it, I would change it to "the challenges we have in righting our education system".

Not sure I agree with you regarding engineering however. We (and many of our venture colleagues) have seen first hand the impact that our flawed immigration system is having on promising entrepreneurs who want to come here to start companies or stay and work but can't.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes and helping me clarify my point. Your summary is spot on.

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Contribution, Communit... · 1 reply · 0 points

Wow, terrific (and thoughtful) post Geoff. Thank you for sharing that. Keep on going!

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Great Friends, Great P... · 0 replies · +1 points

You set the bar high here pal. Nobody has emerged to be the "next" Tac Anderson...

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Great Friends, Great P... · 0 replies · +1 points

Amazing what you can do with an iPhone and a few apps these days...