fred wilson

fred wilson


44 comments posted · 169 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ OnlyOnce - Turn it up to Eleven! · 1 reply · +2 points

business is all about taking the hits and hitting back. the phishing thing in particular is so annoying. but it also reminds everyone why we are in business, to make email safer and work better for everyone. sort of ironic that we still have these challenges 15 years into the commercial internet and 11 years into RP's history, but that's why we have such a great business.

happy birthday everyone at RP

13 years ago @ OnlyOnce - What Does a CEO Do, An... · 0 replies · +1 points

great post Matt

i loved these parts:

- get out of the office and into the market
- don't delegate hiring and retention to HR
- run great meetings
- don't neglect your family and hobbies

thanks so much for a great follow up

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Why You Should Start A... · 2 replies · +1 points

that last point, that you have to sustain it, is super important Brad. like you, i'm committed to spending the remainder of my career on that stuff too

14 years ago @ OnlyOnce - What Gets Said vs. Wha... · 0 replies · +1 points

i love the idea of forced playback. i am going to start using that


14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - My 2009 By The Numbers · 4 replies · +1 points

this is totally impressive. i love the obsession with data about yourself. i want to do something like this

i tried to use datum last year but couldn't figure out the UI. either i am lame (at times for sure) or its hard to figure out how to use it

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Where Do My Music Righ... · 0 replies · +1 points


i showed it to her and she smiled

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Where Do My Music Righ... · 2 replies · +1 points

speaking of getting hosed at La Cabrera, they really shouldn't do that to a blogger with serious google juice like gotham gal

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Where Do My Music Righ... · 2 replies · +1 points

whoa. we've been on a mind meld, it seems as i posted on man/machine stuff today too

my post is also about music but not about rights holders fucking everything up. i've said my piece on that :)

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Being Syndication Agno... · 2 replies · +1 points

its funny because one of the guys who taught me the business (and the pro-syndication approach) used to say "the success of a deal is in inverse proportion to the number of VCs involved"

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Being Syndication Agno... · 2 replies · +1 points

i was taught early in my career to be very pro syndication and it's something i've done my entire career almost religiously. i like using the word agnostic because i am coming around to that way of thinking as i lose my religious belief in the value of syndicating.

that said, in capital intensive deals, it really helps to have a syndicate