


64 comments posted · 26 followers · following 5

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Storm of... · 0 replies · +10 points

I can never tell new readers that Jaime is one of my favorite characters because it feels like spoiling people. I don't want to deprive anyone of experiencing that shift in POV. That's what GRRM truly does best- gets you to really know someone and see things from their perspective. His characters are so very human and complex.


12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Storm of... · 0 replies · +21 points

Petyr is a pedocreeper. It is known.

by spoonybards on dA

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Storm of... · 0 replies · +15 points

Thank you for this review, Mark. It's everything I wanted and mooore. There is truly no way to prepare for ASOS but it is also most people's favorite book. It's like GRRM stomps on our souls with iron boots and we're like, "Please sir, can I have some more?!" My top three favorite moments in the whole series were from this book alone for the longest time ("Drogon, Dracarys"--> Dany being aswesom, "I only rescue maidens"--> the culmination of Jaime's sudden!awesomeness in this book (CAN I JUST? FAVORITE CHARACTER AFTER HATING HIM FOR TWO BOOKS. ALSO I SHIP JAIME/BRIENNE LIKE BURNING), and "Only Cat" just for sheer chill factor and all the stuff we find out in the preceding conversation.) Also "the Wall is yours, Jon Snow" ASLJ;DA <33 AND SAME THE SLAYER AND AND DAVOS AND SANSA IN THE SNOW AND JOFFREY FINALLY BITING IT AND DAT EPILOGUE.


Nobody's shared images with you and that is A TRAGEDY.

(by the-sly-wink on dA)


This amazing Red Wedding piece.

by FatherStone on dA

*by Gold-Seven on dA)

by Anday on dA

by Noe_Izumi on dA

(by Michael Komarck ;_;)

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Also GRRM admitted to setting up that final "shit gold" line for Tywin since forever.

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Storm of... · 0 replies · +3 points

Mark, it looks like you are prepared for shit to go down (whether you're right in the specifics or not) but are you prepared for the moments of unexpected awesome in this book?! I think not >: D (yes, somehow, even moments of awesome warrant an evil face in the world of GRRM).

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Re-Reads 'Harry P... · 0 replies · +11 points


Yeeep. Not much to add to that. Except, I didn't realize just how many famos Dumbledore quotes come from this chapter alone! O_o Woah, talk about dropping wisdom. ILU Dumbles <3

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Re-Reads 'Harry P... · 1 reply · +5 points

A WIZARD DID IT. And by wizard I mean Dumbledore. He says he tinkered with the mirror before sending it down to use as protection for the stone so it didn't have any of those extra power back when Harry, and the reader, saw it.

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Re-Reads 'Harry P... · 7 replies · +1 points

Ahhh, I heart Neverwhere the most out of Gaiman books! If Mark reads it I may have to reread.

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Clash of... · 0 replies · +5 points

Darnit, I am late but I love how long this review is and how much of a laugh you're having at your predictions XD Do you see now why we insist you make these prediction posts? And how hard it is to not point out HOW VERY UNPREPARED YOU ARE? It'll be interesting to see if you're a little less far-off this time with your predictions for ASOS. Which, OMG, favorite book in the series (mine and majority of fandom's) even if it will make you want to throw it across the room/out the window/into a volcano. You think GRRM is awesome? You ain't seen nothing yet.

p.s. BRIENNE FOR ALL THE AWARDS. It's interesting how she parallels Sansa, too. They're both young and naive but also very strong in different ways. Plus have this love for the idea of songs and chivalry and fall in love with Renly (Brienne) and Loras (Sansa) who are gay and actually in a relationship together (IDK if anyone has pointed this out yet/if you caught it but it's implied in the text and confirmed by GRRM). (Oh WAIT the tv show made it very obvious, duh).

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Watches · 0 replies · +1 points


12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Clash of... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ahh ADWD. It has just enough pages to last as tissues for the series so far.