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11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 0 replies · +1 points

Control is right--any viewpoint in opposition to theirs "angers" them.

Nuclear power tops the lot and produces the least amount of waste (one teacup full per person per life), but these weenies cannot compute that kind of "solar."

You're right about them being talking point boys, too--and they're still peddling the same, lame drivel. Yawn.

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 0 replies · 0 points

He should also be mocked for quoting the NYT as an accurate and viable source of information.

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 0 replies · -1 points

Other than having to endure the nightmare of Obama's dreams of his father, all's AOK.

Hope all's well with you and yours.

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 2 replies · 0 points

What do you suppose stumped them on this post of yours? That natural gas is "plentiful" or "clean?"

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, we really do, you moron--and ours uses an electoral college.

A Constitutional Republic, however, is thoroughly incompatible with a socialist state or communism--both of which your public schooling has drilled into your head are preferable over liberty and a free society.

Pitiful knave.

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 1 reply · -1 points

I couldn't help noticing that he never answered your question.

I wonder if he knows that Democrat led states have the highest crime rates. Wouldn't you say they're getting pretty desperate if they've reduces themselves to pinning high crime rates on Christians? Or maybe he's only referring to those Democrat Christians?

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 0 replies · +2 points


11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 13 replies · -1 points

One short conversation with an honest geologist would straighten out these boneheads--even taking just one weather/climate class would help.

Or maybe even quick look at a bloody globe to note the vastness of the oceans and the atmosphere in comparison to an infinitely smaller landmass.

Just a few minutes of independent thinking could possibly cause a dump of some of their brainwashing.

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 0 replies · 0 points

Not enough, though.

11 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The White House Scanda... · 2 replies · 0 points

No, he can't, evidently--but he fails like nobody's business.

Good to see you, bud.