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13 years ago @ - The Stage Right Show: ... · 1 reply · +4 points

Boo hoo. Until I don't see "BET" as part of basic cable and until Blacks stop acting like hoards of criminals and lowlifes and getting freebies in society off of OUR labor then there needs to be more reaction by Whites. You think they are going to change their behavior if you don't?

13 years ago @ - The Stage Right Show: ... · 2 replies · +4 points

NO, what you need to do is judge them by their ACTIONS. Even liberals would have turned away from Obama if they had looked as his voting record in the Senate as opposed to his contradictory rhetoric. You are not smarter than them?

Let's see, who was the last candidate we supported with no voting record (albeit his tenure as governor was a tip off) that talked the talk when it came to conservative rhetoric but then governed like a Democrat.....oh, yeah, GEORGE W. BUSH.

When will you learn?

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Gasland' Review: Slic... · 0 replies · 0 points

Thanks for the distinction regarding the regulation, but it doesn't seem to be all that relevant since we are talking about fracking anyway.

You think Cheney's only power was through his position as VP and not through is conflict of interest ties to Halliburton? As a lobbyist for them he has more power than VP.

13 years ago @ - Elie Wiesel Honored wi... · 1 reply · -1 points

Most of what you think you know about Hitler, Germany and WWII is little more than wartime propaganda.

This man is a wealth of knowledge:

13 years ago @ - Elie Wiesel Honored wi... · 2 replies · -2 points

Elie was proven to have lied in "Night." Now, don't you feel foolish?

13 years ago @ - Elie Wiesel Honored wi... · 3 replies · -3 points

No, a proven liar.

THIS is a noble man:

13 years ago @ - Elie Wiesel Honored wi... · 1 reply · -6 points

The Jews were trying to eliminate the Germans - that was the reason Hitler came to power to oppose it.

13 years ago @ - Elie Wiesel Honored wi... · 2 replies · -4 points

What is "to the best of your knowledge"? You readily regurgitate unfounded claims (and even catchphrases) about a so-called "Holocaust" yet you know almost nothing about the events in the largely Jewish run Soviet Union. THEY ABSOLUTELY DID eliminate entire groups of people.

If the Holocaust were true, why is merely questioning the events ILLEGAL?????

13 years ago @ - Elie Wiesel Honored wi... · 1 reply · -3 points

I don't know who you mean by "God's people." Is one group more important than another? Perhaps this attitude is exactly why you should be fearing for this band of abrasive elitists?

13 years ago @ - Elie Wiesel Honored wi... · 1 reply · -3 points

Indeed SHAPING REMEMBRANCE. Great choice of words.

Elie is a PROVEN LIAR - even those that support this Holocaust myth say he lied in his claims in "Night."