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7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Mysterious Teaser From... · 1 reply · +4 points

Then what about "Three Gems and a Baby"? Would that suggestion actually place it after these new episodes?

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Mysterious Teaser From... · 1 reply · +2 points

No, Adventure Time is at 7:30, I ended up finding that these are airing at 7:00. (the source link in the post above mentions the time, I found it on Tumblr first though)

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Mysterious Teaser From... · 3 replies · +2 points

It's probably only four days because Adventure Time is also having premieres that week, a miniseries (so two eps a day) and then playing them all on Friday... so no time for SU on Friday I'd assume xD
Do we have times for the episodes yet or just the dates and names?

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Three Gems and a Baby ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Why are they still playing the end of Summer of Steven commercial?

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Three Gems and a Baby ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It keeps repeating a lot of stuff, very annoying... somebody said in the chat that if you pause it and let it buffer it should work if you don't mind being a little behind

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Gem Harvest - Episode ... · 1 reply · +2 points

The title card said this episode was done by Raven & Paul and Hilary & Lauren. Based off the art style, I'd say the first half was Raven and Paul, so yeah, in whatever Lauren did in this one, that does fit with what you were saying.

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Gem Harvest - Episode ... · 1 reply · +2 points

Nobody has, it doesn't air for another hour. ...however there were promos, so there's always spoilers that could come from them

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #514 · 0 replies · +1 points

This is a good time, we're finally getting the season 7 finnale on the 19th, so until then, and then between then and whenever the Islands thing is happening you could look at getting caught up a bit

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #513 · 1 reply · +1 points

Let's be real though, there would be riots either way this election went

7 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #513 · 1 reply · +1 points

augh like it seems like everybody at my school is for Trump and they've been on Skype all night talking about "Go Trump!" "Woo we just got another state" "oh no Hillary's got one" "we can do this woo" and it's like guys please no why Trump's terrible