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2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 1 reply · +7 points

(by the way, hi! I got my intensedebate account to work again!)

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 3 replies · +27 points

"Hate, anger, rage; it built up inside the Charmander, pushing aside his sanity, his ability to reason, leaving him only with a desire to burn, crush, and destroy, Only his enemies' screams of pain and terror could feed the creature he was becoming. The source of his hatred was not his father, nor was it his purpose in life, or the training he endured, it was a hatred of weakness; his own weakness.

He wasn't weak! He wasn't! Couldn't be! Not an option! Mycaelis roared and what followed next made even his father shudder. The Charmander's eye glowed a brilliant white; the flame on his tail doubled in size and turned a hot blue. The trunk of the tree at his back burst into flames as Mycaelis' body turned as hot as molten lead. In almost the blink of an eye, a storm of fire exploded from the Charmander, engulfing all around it.

The fiery blast hit with the force of a charging Rhydon, sending his father stumbling back with flames tearing at his body, The Feraligatr scowled, falling back onto the ground and withering around in an effort to extinguish the flames, As the echo of Mycaelis' roar faded deeper into the jungle, Gaius quickly clambered to his feet, Mycaelis' Overheat had left a wide crater of smouldering trees and small spot fires in it's wake. The scent of smouldering jungle was thick in the air as Gaius loomed over his son once more."

- An excerpt from That Old Life, by Slygrovyle (The writer of this comic)

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 3 replies · +4 points

In the non canon, defunct, not relevant (meaning that the events in those stories DID NOT HAPPEN IN ToE] PMD-E stories (which can be found on haychel and sly's deviant art accounts) Mycaelis was very heavily implied to be homophobic, or at the least incredibly prejudiced. My comment above was sort of an inside joke haha

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 5 replies · 0 points

Homophobic mike moment

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 0 replies · +3 points

I gyess you could call it a book? It's a written story published on the internet by sly, and it does have some pictures by haychel, but it's mostly words. You mever read fanfictions before? It's in the same format. But do keep in mind that it *is* canon and reading it is important to understanding the full picture of the comic's events. It outlines very significant moments in mycaelis and vagus' childhoods, you see.

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 0 replies · +1 points

No worries! I just get really passionate with clearing up mix ups and misinformation like this haha
Sorry for overreacting!

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 1 reply · +4 points

Not enough times 💦
I still want people to read these!!!

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 7 replies · +4 points

Since this is growing ever more and more important, i implore all of you to read the tales of elysium prequel stories on sly's archive of our own page. Make sure you read all the chapters of That Old Life before you read This New Life.

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 2 replies · -1 points

No??? Wtf? Leon's caretaker was a gardevoir, named delilah. where'd you get this from?

2 years ago @ SSP-Comics - Tales of Elysium · 3 replies · +6 points

May i also add that he led a whole mob to commit genocide against the Abnormals, which were Kareena's tribe, and the natives of Oat? Crass's actions are unredeemable and utterly reprehensible. His only crimes aren't just murder and greed and what have you. He led the massacre and near-extinction of a whole race.