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8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start It Off With a Ba... · 0 replies · +2 points

Yep, my well-meaning and otherwise lovely sister-in-law hosted a jewelry party. I bought a few pieces, which actually looked really nice...until they fell apart or turned a most un-jewelry like color.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start It Off With a Ba... · 0 replies · +1 points

Urgh. It's not become an online thing in the UK. Yet.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start It Off With a Ba... · 0 replies · +1 points

Similar indeed. At the 'parties' there's an element of 'Would you like to host your own party? Ask me how! [Buy your own box of this crap and bug the hell out of your friends - some of whom are in this very room and probably won't want to buy more]''

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start It Off With a Ba... · 11 replies · +15 points

You thank your lucky stars, Tuna! The stuff is cheap to begin with, but you often feel you must purchase something. And there's ALWAYS a 'fun' game.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start It Off With a Ba... · 34 replies · +16 points

Women Crassers, are you still being invited to those 'parties' where friends are selling shit? So much pressure.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Midweekish Open Thread · 0 replies · +7 points

I LOVED Narcos. So much so that I am all up for the comeback of the pornstache. We've reached Peak Beard, people! We're through the looking glass!

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Back to Work Open Thread · 0 replies · +30 points

De-lurking to say goddammit. I'm sorry. This is the first post of yours I didn't enjoy reading and a reminder that there are human beings with shit going on behind text and avatars.

9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread · 2 replies · +3 points

And 30 years ago today, the Live Aid concerts began. As if acid reflux, receding gums and the return of Bloom County didn't already make me feel old enough.

9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Wednesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +11 points

Say what you will about the prettiness or ugliness of a language,German has some damn fine words. Case in point: Backpfeifengesicht - "a face badly in need of a fist." See: Donald Trump, David Cameron, Piers Morgan, etc.

9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Why Wednesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +4 points

A soulful and kinda funky tune for a Wednesday:
[youtube 1wGSz-QiQpk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wGSz-QiQpk youtube]