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13 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +3 points

thankfully I was too!!

13 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.3 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm still around.....& will be using my new Rino Hunting license

13 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 5 replies · +8 points

You may want to re-watch the entire monologue to get the real gist of what Glenn was trying to say. He was trying to suggest that in the absence of signs (as was the case of the 8/28 rally - no signs) the lame-stream media focuses on the "crazy" attire in the audience to continue to paint us as wackos. By NOT wearing the shirts, statue of liberty costumes, etc - the lame-stream media will have to focus on the "content of our character" rather than the outward appearance. He also suggested that the best sign we could have with us is our children. It is hard to show an audience full of children and families with no signs or statement t-shirts as a racist, loony, wacko angry mob.

that was the point

13 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +1 points


13 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +6 points

Can someone explain something to me? With Queen Michelle out there trying to ban french fries and fast food advertising etc. How is it that those same kids the leftist progressives think are too stupid to feed themselves are the same kids that are smart enough to be able (according to the leftist) to go get an abortion without any parental or adult supervision?

13 years ago @ http://patriotupdate.com/ - "Court Denies Arizona ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Because WE ARE the 4th (and ruling) branch of the Government. WE the PEOPLE started this government and WE the PEOPLE will be heard and rule. I will not go quietly. I will not lay down to become their doormat. THEY CANNOT take MY freedom WITHOUT MY permission and they do not have my permission. The US Constitution is the contract between the people and the government. I intend to hold them to that contract or die trying as Patrick Henry said - Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

13 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.0 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +4 points

Article III Section 2 - in all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls and those in which a STATE shall be party, THE SUPREME COURT shall have ORIGINAL jurisdiction.......meainig - the lower courts have no dog in this fight. No need to waste $$ and resources fighting through the court levels. The Constitution is clear__

13 years ago @ http://patriotupdate.com/ - "Court Denies Arizona ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Article III Section 2 - in all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls and those in which a STATE shall be party, THE SUPREME COURT shall have ORIGINAL jurisdiction.......meainig - the lower courts have no dog in this fight. No need to waste $$ and resources fighting through the court levels. The Constitution is clear__

13 years ago @ http://patriotupdate.com/ - "Court Denies Arizona ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Article III Section 2 - in all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls and those in which a STATE shall be party, THE SUPREME COURT shall have ORIGINAL jurisdiction.......meainig - the lower courts have no dog in this fight. No need to waste $$ and resources fighting through the court levels. The Constitution is clear__

13 years ago @ http://patriotupdate.com/ - "Court Denies Arizona ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Article III Section 2 - in all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls and those in which a STATE shall be party, THE SUPREME COURT shall have ORIGINAL jurisdiction.......meainig - the lower courts have no dog in this fight. No need to waste $$ and resources fighting through the court levels. The Constitution is clear__