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14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +1 points

We defund them 'one lightbulb at a time.'

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +2 points

Free speech is just that, and should not entitle any agenda. However, free speech should also not aim slings or bullets. These are prohibited by our own common laws, and our freedom of speech is restricted as well. We can't say what we think anymore. And the more they prohiibit it, the louder we think it. Nobody can run the streets yelling the 'N' or G' or 'Z' word without being called a racist or some other piece of work. Apparently only racists can use letters. It's PC after all.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +1 points

So you would agree with the patriot gravesite trashers in your quest for free speech? Sorry, free speech is free speech, but ugly is ugly. There is never a need to condemn patriots. If you don't want to be an American, that's fine, go back to whatever country welcomes you with open arms. Hint: It won't be America anymore! Bon chance!

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 2 replies · +2 points

Thanks, PE1, but I'm still confused. I don't understand why we pay taxes on every level. Suppose I buy a Trivial Pursuit game. Well, let's start with who makes that game. They will pay taxes to the feds. Then that will have to be added to the cost of that game naturally. The shipping and handling will double the cost, and if those employees report their income to the IRS the cost will necessarily go up accordingly.

IRS taxation is the biggest scam we've known since government took the reins, and I suggest we quit funding this barfbag thief of a government administration.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 4 replies · +2 points

Where's the equity in taxing the baker but not allowing a tax deduction for the patron of that baker? I never could figure that one out. Same thing as taxing the gas dealership for their profits, but not the gasser-users. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, too, or else the gander just might find himself hungry in the very near future.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 7 replies · +6 points

Can someone please clarify this? Does the First Amendment classify hate speech as free speech? If some white person walked into a black church and started using the 'N' word, would that be freedom of speech?

Our founding fathers probably didn't anticipate the scum some have become.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 6 replies · +2 points

PE1, thirty years ago my father-in-law (who was a dentist) earned probably half his income by bartering. All of the medical professionals swapped their services in kind, the pharmacists all gave discounts, it was sort of like exchanging gifts at Christmas (and yes, those gifts were bartered for, too.) If you gave Joe's mother a ride home every day, Joe would paint your house for you.

I understand that the IRS draws the line at $600, but who keeps records?? Suppose I declare the wedding cake I just baked for my neighbor to be worth $601? More paperwork and it's gonna cost me more? Surely my neighbor won't be writing it off. And speaking of tax deductions, I've never known of ANY wedding expense to be deductible, altbough anyone (caterers, bands, reception halls, etc) will have to report their income. Where's the equity in THAT???

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +2 points

Thanks, PE1. I pay my cleaning lady by the job, which boils down to about $15/hr, and that's only when I need her. How on earth am I supposed to know how much other barter income she makes? ALL of her income is bartered. I haven't checked any documentation on her (although I realize she was born on a non-U.S. island) so I guess my next ramification will be not available for California governor?

You know what? I'm tired of filling out meaningless paperwork. It's stupid, it's timeconsuming, just rearranges welfare recipients' schedules so they can misconstrue everything you've done in all honesty, it provides ridiculous jobs, and in the long run imprisonment is cheaper for me. Especially if I get free medical care.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +3 points

Maybe he went straight?

not likely.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.2 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +3 points

Not to worry. ACORN, SEIU and New Black Panthers will make your decision for you, no need to get out of bed.