
413 comments posted · 17 followers · following 33

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Section 8: Prejudice O... · 1 reply · +1 points

Thanks for the comments everyone! Emailed codes to the winners: Chronorayven and sweeneyben!
Look forward to more contests soon!

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Privacy Policy · 0 replies · +1 points

Hello All! Sorry bout the delay there. Real life got in the way!

But just took some time and got up to date with all the requests and updated the lists above.

Lots of great stuff left! Tell your friends to stop by!

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Privacy Policy · 0 replies · +1 points

Just an update: I got busy with the family today and didn't have time to get codes out. I will be working on it in the morning and after work tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Privacy Policy · 0 replies · +1 points

available. now if not expired is the question. if want to make a second choice now just in case please do.

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Privacy Policy · 1 reply · +1 points

sorry. my striketrrough wasn't showing, it was giving away above. feel free to pick something else.

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Privacy Policy · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks a lot for stopping by everyone. Sent out the ones above to your emails!

Happy New Year!

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - 5 Reasons Why Black Op... · 1 reply · -3 points

Agree to a point. SOCOM is the greatest shooter out! MW is best FPS. W@W & MW2 are crap but Black Ops going give SOCOM a run.. that is till SOCOM 4 comes out!

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Tritton AX180 Review · 0 replies · +1 points

dang that sucks! and with the buyout of Tritton by MadCatz service is probably up in the air? or have you tried to contact Tritton to get them fixed? before madcatz they were really good at customer service.

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Call of Duty: Black Op... · 1 reply · +1 points

Cant wait to 1000 point this! 'Mile High Club' & Spec Ops prevented me from getting all the points in MW & MW2 but these all seem obtainable!

13 years ago @ The Evolved Gaming Net... - Tritton AX180 Review · 0 replies · +1 points

I LOVE my AXPros! If you think these help you in game you have no idea!